His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1468: Pure desire to move, married for love (8)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Since we all know each other, let's eat together." Shen Yiren proposed with a smile.

Wang Caichun was particularly uncomfortable, but she was not good at rejecting it. She hoped that Chu Mubei, who had an argument with her in the morning, could turn away proudly. As a result, Chu Mubei sat down beside her with a smile on her face. Sharp knife, sharp and bright.

She took a deep look at Chu Mubei and was puzzled. With her favorite woman and eating with her ex-wife, wasn't he too embarrassed?

Er, forgot, she and he only cooperated in a marriage contract, so this ex-wife is just an ordinary friend, there is no ambiguity, then there is nothing embarrassing.

Chu Mubei turned his head and looked at Wang Caichun who always looked at him: "What are you looking at?"

Who sees you? Wang Caichun gave a disgusted look.

Mr. Mo's gaze turned back and forth between the two, picking up the middle dish and putting it in Wang Caichun's bowl: "eat this crab-yellow egg."

Wang Caichun wanted to say thank you, but the food was taken away.

It was Chu Mubei, who picked up the crab yellow eggs directly with his chopsticks, and put it in her own dish: "She doesn't eat crabs, she will be allergic, but eat fish."

Then clip a piece of fish and put it in Wang Caichun's bowl.

This kid has nothing to do with Wang Caichun, otherwise it is impossible to know that Wang Caichun cannot eat crabs.

Mr. Mo looked at Wang Caichun: "You can't eat crabs, sorry, I knew I wouldn't order this dish."

Wang Caichun smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter, just click if you like."

Chu Mubei also raised an eyebrow and smiled: "That is, today we do our best for the landlord."

Wang Caichun's smile became embarrassing, and he lowered his eyes, and didn't know how to face the two people in the opposite direction. He could only whisper in a voice heard by only two of them: "Can you not use me to stimulate Shen Yiren? That sucks. "

Chu Mubei smiled in the eyebrows, hiding the wind and rain: "You laugh really ugly, just eat."

Wang Caichun was furious, and wanted to kick him under the table, but she was afraid of kicking wrong.

Mr. Mo took a sip of red sprinkles and said deeply: "Mr. Chu still take care of Miss Shen who came with you."

Shen Yiren, who has been immersed in eating, raised his face and said with a smile, "I don't care ..."

Then she continued to eat, she just wanted to eat melon silently.

"Mr. Mo, what other dishes do you want?" Wang Caichun smiled at Mr. Mo and gave a subconscious glance at Chu Mubei.

Chu Mubei caught her eyes for the first time and looked at her, "What are you looking at? I think I can eat enough."

Wang Caichun's temper is completely gone, and he doesn't want to maintain peace on his face. He gritted his teeth and said quietly: "Chu Mubei, can you not be so fierce, Miss Shen is still opposite, you are not afraid that you will not chase in your life. To her. "

Chu Mu beckoned her: "I think you're afraid of letting people know your true face, and then no man should be fooled by you."

Wang Caichun looked angrily at the man in front of him, with a smile on his face, and looked at the opposite side, staring at his own Mr. Mo and Shen Yiren. After half a ring, he recovered his voice: "I don't bother you."

"Then why do you keep looking at me, oh ~~" Chu Mubei stretched his tail, and his body leaned slightly towards her slender body: "I know, you like me!"

Wang Caichun paused on her face, her cheeks were uncontrollably crimson, and she took a breath before she bit her teeth and said, "What are you talking about ..."

Chu Mubei asked, "Did you not confess to me?"


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket ~~ The two chapters owed will definitely be made up. Later, I really have no time these days ^ _ ^

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