His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1469: Pure indulgence, married for love (9)

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Even if she deliberately told her likes after divorce, he shouldn't say it in front of so many people. Wang Caichun stared at him fiercely, but he couldn't say a word in his open mouth: "..."

Chu Mubei suddenly looked awake and smiled lightly, "No ... it's not you who confessed it, but someone else ... I remember it wrong."

The two looked at each other, how could Wang Caichun not see the evil in his eyes, and if she could, she directly wanted to pounce on him.

However, to refresh her patience, Chu Mubei looked directly at Mr. Mo and asked jokingly: "I'm not honored, but I don't know if she confessed to Mr. Mo?"

Mr. Mo looked at them, with a smile in his eyes, and said lightly: "It is a pity that there is no such blessing. Ms. Cai Chun is sympathetic and gentle and lovely. If anyone marries her in the future, she will be repaired by her last life Good fortune. "

Shen Yiren immediately answered with a smile: "This is why I think that Cai Chun is really a good girl. If I were a man, I would definitely pursue Cai Chun."

Wang Caichun was stunned: "..."

Why did these two people help her speak clearly, but she heard the joke and playfulness from the mouth of this Mr. Mo and Shen Yiren, giving the impression that they are watching the show.

Looking at Chu Mubei next to me, she seemed to be laughing, but with a hint of taunt, a taste of haha ​​~~.

She wanted to slap the chopsticks on the table, and then got up and walked away.

However, she invited someone for dinner today, and she also had Shen Yiren.

Chu Mubei whispered again in a voice that can only be heard by two people: "I'm just kidding, you should laugh, otherwise you will scare away the man you like."

Wang Caichun wanted to turn his head and scold him, but Chu Mubei's body came together. Wang Caichun didn't have time to dodge. Even if she moved back quickly, her lips happened to be printed on Chu Mubei's face.

She was so scared that her heart jumped out quickly. Seeing the three of them staring at each other with different expressions, she immediately took a sip of water while holding a glass of water, and said nothing, because the more she explained, the more she couldn't explain.

Mr. Mo and Shen Yiren didn't say anything, just glanced at each other, smiled a little, and then started talking about their careers. Coincidentally, the two are in the same industry and have a common topic of cooperation.

The atmosphere of the dining table seemed a lot more relaxed, but Wang Caichun still felt uncomfortable.

But halfway through, she found an excuse to leave.

After she and Mr. Mo were separated, she went to the nearby mall to buy a lot of things, but did not let the anger out of her heart.

Blame Chu Mubei, if not she would not be as shameful.

When he returned home, Wang Caichun opened the door. Before the person entered, he threw the things he bought into the house.

Lao Gao, who frowned, entered the house, closed the door, kicked a paper bag in front, and never forgot to curse, "Chu Mubei, you are a bastard!"

"Wang Caichun, hurry up and say that you are okay behind me every day."

Chu Mubei, with a playful voice, suddenly sounded in his ear, scaring Wang Caichun almost toppled, **** it.

She stood by the shoe cabinet next to her and felt that something bad was going on. As for her guilty conscience?

"Chu Mubei, you are so embarrassed to come here, are you not enough to harm me today ?!"

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