His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1471: Pure desire to move, married for love (11)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The man stood beside him. The two were very close. The breath was pressing. Wang Caichun's head was huddled together and said, "You, you, you, you ..."

Chu Mubei's eyes stared at her scorchingly: "I, me, me, and me, and I'm not a monster. Why can't I be scared?"

What he wanted to say was strangled in his throat by his words.

She murmured for a while, "If you are responsible, you have slept so many women, are you responsible?"

Chu Mubei said coldly: "The prodigal son does not change his money, don't you know? Why do you have to talk about the past, anyway, I don't care, after I married you, I haven't touched a woman, and I haven't.

Wang Caichun said, "I didn't ask you to do this when I got married. Then you can't find a woman ..."

"I like you!"

Blurted out, Chu Mubei was stunned.

After talking, a heart suddenly jumped up, as if returning to the first love, like a little boy who was ignorant, so nervous and a little excited.

Not like him, so unlike him, but it seems that after marrying her, she has no intention of nostalgia for the flowers.

Besides, Wang Caichun was naturally scared. She stepped back, staring at Chu Mubei with wide eyes, panicked and confused.

"What did you say?" She thought she was hearing.

Chu Mubei looked at her and said, "I like you!"

He repeated it, this time his voice was muted.

Wang Caichun opened her mouth slightly and stood stupidly. The man's voice was ghosts and lowness she had never heard, just like a magical power, so that she didn't return to her mind for a while.

She was helpless, forcing herself to calm down, Xu Xu found her voice again: "Chu Mubei, don't make me this joke ..."

"I like you!" He was not joking.

Wang Caichun stepped back subconsciously again, then threw him a big white eye, and hummed, "Fuck me again, I am angry."

Chu Mubei emphasized: "I like you!"

Wang Caichun took a deep breath, twisted a bottle of water on the coffee table, and took a sip.

Fake, what a prank, if she believed it, he would laugh at her in turn.

She laughed on her hips, "Haha, you're stupid, I won't believe you!"

Chu Mubei didn't have a smile on his face, and he emphasized again solemnly: "I like you."

Wang Caichun stared at him: "You'll know this."

Chu Mubei's gaze was fixed on her face, and after a while, she spoke like words, "I love you."

What? Wang Caichun took a step back, raised her hands to cover her ears, and acted subconsciously, but she felt too naive again, and she quickly put down her hands.

Love becomes love! !! So fast, it wasn't a prank, he didn't believe Chu Mubei would fall in love with her.

Wang Caichun drummed his cheeks and twisted his head: "You believe you have ghosts."

She used to joke too much and teased her too much. She didn't believe she was justified. Chu Mubei thought for a while and said, "Well ... let's try to socialize?"

Over time, she would naturally believe it.

"Try ..." Wang Caichun asked subconsciously.


Chu Mubei stared quietly at her face, her eyes stagnated on her beautifully shaped lips, and the slightly opened lips like blooming cherry blossoms had an urge to bite.

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