His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1472: Pure desire to move, married for love (12)

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He remembers the day when Shi Yan and Lu Yanchen were married, he seemed to have attacked here, but he didn't think about it at that time ... A mist was rushed into his eyes, and Chu Mubei slightly clinged to her lips and slowly moved towards her lips. come.

The lips touched, and the soft touch made Wang Caichun's head bang, and it was blank for a moment.

The hormones that belonged to the man were strong and overbearing, and she was panicked, her heartbeat suddenly lost speed, an uncontrollable dizziness in front of her eyes, and her whole body trembled.

When his tongue touched her lips and was ready to open, she was awake and suddenly pushed him away.

"You, you ..." Wang Caichun swallowed and said, "Whether you are telling the truth or not, it doesn't matter anyway, because I won't agree with you to try."

"What are you afraid of?"


"Can it be because of that surname Mo, do you really like him ?!" After asking, Chu Mubei's eyes suddenly became cold.

"You care who I like, anyway, it just doesn't work ..." Wang Caichun pushed her away without looking at his expression, and ran away.

She didn't know if Chu Mubei had chased it out, she ran away anyway, stopped after a long road, covered her chest, and found that she jumped fast.

Chu Mubei said she liked her ... No, she loved her! !! What happened?

She's so shy.

She would have been very happy if it had been before, but she has already decided to give up, and he just said that what good is it to like her?

And don't know the truth.

Don't know what to think ...

Originally, Fei Fei sister knew her heart the most. After all, she told Fei Fei sister that she liked Chu Mubei, but Fei Fei sister was in Rhode Island.

She didn't want to think alone, so she called time.

Wang Caichun went to the training hall to pick up the time. She had just finished training and had no rest for a while, so she was called out.

After getting in the car, she closed her eyes and looked very tired.

Wang Caichun raised her eyebrows and glanced at her belly: "Look at your half-dead look, it's hard to kill someone!"

Time raised her eyes and looked at her: "I look at you like a sad cloud and mist, it seems to be thrown away."

Wang Caichun said, "I'm sorry, you are missing. My sister has just been confessed."

"I heard that Mr. Mo is here. It seems that I really like you. I actually chased you here."

"Not Mr. Mo."

"It's not Mr. Mo, who would it be, it can't be Chu Mubei ..." Before the time was over, I saw Wang Caichun's ears turned red, and she sat lazily, straightening her body: "Well, Chu Mubei really confessed to you."

Wang Caichun let out a hand and skimmed his hair: "Sister is still very attractive."

Time smiled: "Yes, you are the most attractive."

Wang Caichun snorted coldly: "Unfortunately, I would rather believe that a sow can go up a tree than a mouth of Chu Mubei."

"calm down."

"I'm calm, let's go, eat, and take you to a fun place later."

What a fun place? Time raised her eyebrows, very puzzled, guessed a lot of places, but absolutely did not guess, Wang Caichun took her to the Tang Palace.

Because she has been to the Tang Palace before.

However, she did not expect that after eating at Tang Palace, Wang Caichun actually took her directly to the entertainment club, opened a box, and sang loudly and sang a song.

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