His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1475: Pure indulgence, married for love (15)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Wang Caichun feels that no matter where he puts his eyes, he can see a solid chest, sprayed muscles, tense vitality, and proud **** ... This figure is too good!

Chu Mubei suddenly changed, propped up on the sofa with one hand, circled her whole person, looked at her leisurely, and asked her, "Are you satisfied?"

Wang Caichun's heart seemed to be able to jump out of his throat in the next second, blushing, having trouble breathing, and fainting ...

No, you can't be seduced by men.

She forced herself to withdraw her consciousness from the masculine man, staring at his face without shuddering, "OK, you go on."

Chu Mubei's lips smiled, his body slowly sinking, his face getting closer and closer to Wang Caichun until their noses touched.

His eyes were stunned, Wang Caichun felt like he was charming, and he knew he couldn't do anything. He needed to push the man away, but his body couldn't move.

The man who is full of yang is looking from her smooth forehead, the tip of her nose, to her pink lips ... the throat knot can't help rolling, and her body is uncontrolled and hot.

Perceiving that his lips had fallen, Wang Caichun leaned back subconsciously, but she was on the sofa behind her.

The kiss fell on her forehead, her eyelashes fluttered, and Wang Caichun closed her eyes subconsciously.

From the forehead to the corners of the eyes, to the tip of the nose, to the lips ... the dim light in the boxes was drawn vaguely on them, but they were drunk, but the air was as drunk as they were drunk.

When Wang Caichun woke up again, she only felt a pain in her head, she lay softly on the quilt, her limbs were weak, she simply let herself go and let herself sink in the quilt.

With my eyes closed, it took less than a minute to remember what happened last night.

She opened her eyelids so suddenly that she remembered that Chu Mubei kissed him ... then what?

Lifting the quilt and looking at myself, the clothes were changed into pajamas, but there was no discomfort on the body, only a headache.

Although she was drunk, she didn't break the film when she was drunk. She stumbled to feel that Chu Mubei pressed on her, and ... she opened the quilt again, and opened her pajamas a little bit. A lot of red marks, like medium strawberries, were obviously pouted.

Chu Mubei, this beast, actually ate her tofu while she was drunk.

At this point, the door was pushed open, and Chu Mubei came in, "Wake up?"

The head hurts even more, Wang Caichun sat up ... I don't know how to face it.

"Tired, doesn't it hurt?" Chu Mubei sat next to her.

There should be no relationship, but his two sentences were too ambiguous. It was really confusing. Wang Caichun was bombarded with cells, a little blood and blood retrograde, and the meridians reversed: "What is tired, what hurts? You What nonsense. "

Chu Mubei stretched out his hand to bring Wang Caichun into her arms, and said with a soft voice in her ear: "Okay, all adults, don't be embarrassed, when are we going to remarry?"

Wang Caichun: "Ah?"

Chu Mubei also said, "If you want to have another wedding, it's OK. The last time was western style. How about we have a Chinese style next time?"

Wang Caichun: "Uh?"

She suddenly lifted the quilt, stood up, found her bag, pulled out a stack of RMB from her wallet, and passed it directly to him: "Checkout."

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