His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1476: Pure indulgence, married for love (16)

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When I was drinking fruit juice, I almost sprayed it. When I tried to swallow it, I was stunned. She coughed and took a towel from Wang Caichun, and gave her a glance. Then, regardless of the uncomfortable throat, she asked: What did you say, you went to bed with Chu Mubei? "

Wang Cai touched her ears shyly, "It's a little bit worse."

Time looked at her with a curious look. "Who took the initiative first? No, I'll ask you for nothing. You definitely won't take the initiative. I'm sure Chu Mubei, the dude. I shouldn't leave you last night. You were given to this animal by Chu Mubei ... "

Seeing her regretful look, Wang Caichun quickly said, "It's not that, it's a little bit worse, there aren't any animals, just lying on a bed."

"Look at you helping her talk like this, then you're all together."

"He said remarriage, I said checkout, and then he turned angrily and left." Wang Caichun spread his hands.

Time laughed loudly, gleeful, and Chu Mubei has today.

"I'm a bit messy now. When he confessed, no matter if he didn't believe it, but I was really shocked and not happy. Of course, I didn't feel completely at all, but I still just wanted to be with her forever. You said I was It's not very strange. "Wang Caichun always felt that her character was straightforward, but she was really awkward now.

"What's weird." Time patted her on the shoulder, and she was encouraging her like a big sister when she was younger. "Women are like this. No matter how smart a woman is, she will be swaying and there will be some Feeling wild, unless that woman is a fool. "


"Of course, if one day a dude says he likes you and you immediately accept it, that's silly."


"Because Playboy's chance of being good is only one percent, and ninety-nine percent of them falling in love with each other will break up."

Wang Caichun thought about it very seriously and said, "You're right, fortunately, I don't think the idea of ​​being with him is too strong, but I don't think it's stronger to ignore him."

Time laughed awkwardly and teased, "But I look at you, what a pity look."

Wang Caichun hurriedly said, "It's no pity, Chu Mubei doesn't want any woman to sleep."

Time laughed unpredictably, and then the words turned around and helped Chu Mubei speak again: "Actually, you drank too much that day, and in the end he didn't move you. It may still change. He may want soul for you companion."

Wang Caichun looked at the time and hummed twice.

After a while, she said, "I'll go to Rhode Island with Mr. Mo in a few days, and talk about Chu Mubei, let's talk about it later."

During this time, she can also think about it.

Time agrees: "Yeah, Chu Mubei wants to remarry you, then it must depend on his attitude. If he really wants to remarry you, then you can't mess around again. If you leave, he will immediately find something else. Woman, the remarriage is still fine. Although he has a good relationship with Lu Yanchen and is very good to me, I can't hurt you, you are my friend. "

Wang Caichun thought so too.

If she really wants to remarry with Chu Mubei, she can't have another contract.

If she remarries, she must marry because of love.

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