His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1477: Pure desire to move, married for love (17)

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Wang Caichun took a sip of water and said, "Mr. Mo originally wanted to go back in a few days, but suddenly it was too early, and the situation of missing him was not good."

"I heard my sister say that if I could, I would also like to go and read it." My sister is in Rhode Island, where is Mr. Mo ’s place, and Mr. Mo cares for her sister a lot.

My sister also went to see Nian Nian several times, and the condition of Nian Nian is really bad. It seems that if you do n’t have surgery, you may not be able to support it for two years.

I ca n’t help you, I can only pray for blessing, I hope everything is OK.

The beautiful and loving banquet of Wang Caichun and Chu Mubei was just one day before going to Rhode Island.

In order to attend this banquet, Wang Caichun spent all afternoon dressing up.

She chose a little black dress with Chu Mubei in a black suit.

Throughout the night, Chu Mubei, a special gentleman, has been with Wang Caichun. The handsome men and women are the most beautiful scenery in the banquet.

After the banquet, Wang Caichun patted herself with a stiff smile.

"So you don't like banquets, then why do you always attend various banquets." Chu Mubei leaned lazily against the wall next to him.

"It's not good to see a handsome guy." Wang Caichun smirked twice.

Chu Mubei stepped in front of her, "Wang Caichun, what I said to you that day was true, what I said to you that morning was true, and now I tell you so solemnly, it is not forcing you to answer me now, you can consider One night, answer me tomorrow, but I only listen to one ... "

Wang Caichun interrupted him: "I'm going to Rhode Island tomorrow. I can't give you an answer."

"What are you going to Rhode Island for?" Chu Mubei's face sank slowly: "Will you accept the surname Mo and be with him?"

"Yes, are you satisfied?" Wang Caichun replied intentionally and wanted to see what Chu Mubei's reaction was.

After hearing her words, Chu Mubei's face became colder and colder, and she gradually looked at her coldly, but did not speak.

Wang Caichun felt that today's conversation should end here.

She pursed her lips and prepared to flash people, but just after taking a step, Chu Mubei's wrist was caught by her, and her hand hurt so much.

"You ..." Wang Caichun lifted his eyes, and saw Chu Mubei's dark eyes surging, the waves rolled, as if he could bear something fiercely, but he couldn't say the coldness.

He closed his eyes and gave a cold drink: "Wang Caichun, why did you tell me you love me after the divorce?"

Wang Caichun was intimidated by his vulgar momentum.

She struggled a hand and lowered her voice: "What are you doing, can you let me go first?"

Chu Mubei ignored him, still holding her hand tightly: "You answer me first!"

If she didn't accept him, he would rather not know her love.

Wang Caichun couldn't earn his hand, so he kicked him, but he didn't respond, just like iron. "I didn't tell you all before, I want to give you up, and then ..."

Chu Mubei gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you say it in your marriage."

Wang Caichun said angrily: "You forgot, you said it during your marriage, you are not allowed to like you, then you do n’t have to say you like it after divorce, but I do n’t like you now."

Chu Mubei was even more angry than her and rushed to her irritably: "Fuck I love you! You said you didn't like me!"

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