His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1478: Pure desire to move, to marry because of love (18)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Before, Chu Mubei also said that she liked her, but it was different from today. Wang Caichun's heart trembled, and he froze for a while.

When she didn't know how to answer, Chu Mubei suddenly got down and bit her lip.

Wang Caichun returned to his mind, pushing his chest subconsciously, trying to break free, but next second, he closed his fingers and kissed her with her waist leaning against his arms.

She knew that Chu Mubei was really angry. The strength of his hand was as strong as he was about to smash her waist, almost biting her tongue and biting her lips, unprecedentedly rough and wild, sucking bite, like It was the injured beast eating.

Until Wang Caichun was about to be able to breathe, she let go of her and commanded her with a heavy breath: "Don't go !!!"

Wang Caichun was out of breath, took a few steps back, and looked at Chu Mubei in amazement.

She didn't return to Chu Mubei, she turned around, and Chu Mubei's voice sounded behind her: "Wang Caichun, you heard nothing, you are not allowed to go !!"

Wang Caichun paused and left.

Chu Mubei looked at Wang Caichun's back, his fists squealed.

Sitting in the airport waiting room, Wang Caichun would look around from time to time until he boarded the plane, his face was wrinkled.

Mr. Mo looked at her and smiled deeply: "Are you waiting for someone?"

"No, let's go."

Wang Caichun laughed at herself, so she did n’t want her to go, why did n’t she come to the airport, why did n’t she call, and the playboy's favorite was super worthless. The woman Chu Chubei likes to change one day, just like the tea he drank. What flavor do you like.

After arriving at the airport, Mr. Mo sent Wang Caichun to the hotel, and he went to the hospital to see.

Niannian was glad to see him: "Brother, you are back."

"Yes, and your sister Caichun is here."

"Really!" Nian Nian's eyes glowed, then he asked carefully, "Brother, are you with Sister Cai Chun?"

Mr. Mo did not return to her, but only said, "Have a good rest. After this operation, you will be healthy."

"Can you watch my brother's wedding before surgery?" She didn't want to have surgery first. In case of failure, her brother likes Sister Cai Chun. If she leaves, she will not be alone.

"The wedding is already planned after your surgery, so you have to promise your brother that you can prepare for the surgery well?"

"Okay!" Nian Nian held Mr. Mo weakly and leaned in his arms, his pale face was full of happy smiles.

Wang Caichun also did not stay at the hotel. Time allowed her to bring a lot of things to Murphy, and she did not tell Murphy to visit Rhode Island today. She wanted to give Murphy a surprise.

I went to school with the special product and found a classroom in the design department. My classmate said that she went to the library.

Wang Caichun immediately set off for the library.

After a half-turn in the library, Wang Caichun saw Mo Feifei. He was watching the book intently at this moment. Wang Caichun didn't say anything to him, but walked quietly and sat down beside her.

Mo Feifei quickly felt that someone was looking at himself, turned around to see the person, and was slightly surprised: "Achun ... how are you here?"

"No surprise, no surprise ..." Wang Caichun asked with a smile.

Her eyes drooped down, and she glimpsed Mo Feifei's belly. She suddenly stunned in shock, looking at Mo Feifei in disbelief: "..."


PS: Ask for monthly ticket ~~

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