His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1516: Don't forget, never forget (36)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"It's not like we can be friends, we are just strangers!"

In her heart, Zhao Xin loved to set out another set of rhetoric and told herself that it was okay. Shang Mo didn't accept it now. They would be friends first. As long as he was willing to deal with her, she would have the chance to save him.

But after his words, everything she helped turned into a joke, and all thoughts were fragmented, just like their relationship, how could it not be demobilized again.

But he had said before that he would only like him, he would protect her, and he would love her forever.

But now why, as he likes it, the protection becomes another woman.

Mad jealousy rushed into her heart and devoured her mind. She couldn't help thinking about any more plans and said rudely, "You think I'm married, and I'm not worthy of you now, but the woman you choose now, also It doesn't have to be that good, she's with you, but she's confused with Chang Xiaoyang. "

Shang Mo changed his face instantly, "Shut up."

Zhao Xinai sneered and looked at him, "I haven't finished talking, what are you anxious about, or do you dare not know a reality, a reality?? She was originally a shameless woman, she is in you The two brothers are shaking each other, how can you talk to such a person ... Ah! "

Shang Mo directly kicked the next vase.

With a bang, the vase fell to the front and shattered.

Zhao Xin'ai was startled fiercely, his face was pale, like falling into an ice cellar, afraid of being stiff and not afraid to move.

"I know what she is like, I do n’t need you to comment on her in front of me, and you do n’t deserve to comment on her! Come on!"

Having said that, Shang Mo didn't want to say more, and didn't want to say anything to her.

After all, they have been in love before, and don't want to be too embarrassed, just hope that she can understand that the past has passed, don't wipe out the last trace of beauty between them.

Zhao Xin'ai was trembling slightly, trying to stop talking.

After all, it's a gift. This man will no longer treat her like he did before. With Mo Feifei, he won't want her anymore.

If there is no Mo Feifei, if you let him know, what Mo Feifei gave him is not good, will he think of himself and the goodness of their past together.

Zhao Xinai left and went directly to Chang Xiaoyang.

She directly told Chang Xiaoyang: "Shang Mo is back, do you know?"

Chang Xiaoyang froze for a moment, he really didn't know, but what happened when he came back, after all, grandma had promised to let him into Shang's.

He took a deep look at Zhao Xin'ai: "You will know as soon as he comes back, but you really care about him, but it looks like you're touching a nail again."

Zhao Xinai frowned: "I really don't know he's back. I just think that God must be mysterious and secretive these two days, so I followed up and found out that Shang Mo was back."

Chang Xiaoyang looked at her coldly, with a calm face: "..."

It ’s just come back. It ’s been many days. What is Shang Mo playing?

Zhao Xinai hooked his lips and sneered again: "Don't look at me like this, I have another good news for you, isn't Mo Feifei pregnant, when did you get the shot? Could it be that you want the child born, let Will she be a monk and get married? "


PS: For the last two days, ask for a monthly ticket ~~

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