His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1517: Don't forget, don't forget (37)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Grandma Shang was discharged from the hospital after 24:00. After taking a two-day rest at home, she took Mo Feifei to the temple for blessing.

It happened that Chang Xiaoyang and Zhao Xinai also came to Shang. Although the grandmother was so angry that she didn't want to care about Xiaoyang, she was relieved to take care of her. She also called Chang Xiaoyang and Zhao Xinai to go to the small temple together.

"I hope the Bodhisattva will bless A Mo to return safely and bless our family and family in peace and harmony ..."

Grandma Shang knelt in front of the bodhisattva, praying sincerely while incense.

After worshiping the Bodhisattva, Grandma went to ask for a sign.

Watching Chang Xiaoyang and Zhao Xinai accompany grandma, Mo Feifei stepped back subconsciously.

Yan Zi gently tugged at Murphy's sleeves, and then pulled her out: "Fake, I don't believe Chang Xiaoyang, and I would like Mr. Shang to come back safely."

Mo Feifei whispered, "He wants to come and come, help grandma to find a well-being, it can be seen that he still has affection for grandma."

"Well, grandma really tolerates him, and she did so to me that day, but it hasn't been two days ..." Yan Zi hearted, thinking that she was just an outsider, and her grandmother took care of her seriously, and she was not her. Pro-granddaughter, so this kind of thing seems to be nothing to her.

Mo Feifei patted Yan Zi's hand: "Don't blame grandma. She is also very embarrassed. She always feels guilty about Chang Xiaoyang."

In the past, Yan Zi may think that grandma is really good, but in this matter, Yan Zi is very opinionated about grandma.

Yan Zi smiled slightly: "Relax, I don't care. Grandma is actually very good, much better than my mother-in-law. Her anger at that time was real, but it was her grandson after all, and she finally forgave herself easily. My grandson can't be more normal, not to mention that I originally calculated Chang Xiaoyang. "

Mo Feifei gathered her thin coat together. "This small temple environment is quite good. There is a calmness in the simplicity, which makes people feel refreshed."

Yan Zi cared and asked, "Are you cold?"

Could Fei Fei shook his head, "No, want to go around, don't we?"

Yan Zi held Murphy's little hand: "Okay, I'll take you around."

"and many more."

A male voice sounded, and they turned around to see Chang Xiaoyang. He stepped in front of them: "Where are you going?"

"We can't walk around." Yan Zi dropped the sentence in annoyance, and owed Mo Feifei down the steps.

Chang Xiaoyang also followed. He reached Mo Feifei under a pear tree in Houshan: "Can I speak with you alone?"

Yan Zi stood still, watching him alertly, for fear that he would be bad for Mo Feifei.

Mo Feifei smiled slightly, but he didn't pay attention, and looked at Yan Zi, "Go and see Grandma first."



Could Feifei give Yan Zi a reassuring look and let her go back first.

Yan Zi hesitated before leaving.

Feifei looked at Chang Xiaoyang: "Say whatever you want."

Chang Xiaoyang looked at her deeply: "Is Shang Mo back?"

Feifei nodded: "Zhao Xinai told you?"

Chang Xiaoyang: "..."

Feifei smiled slightly: "Let's talk about the conditions, how?"

Chang Xiaoyang laughed unexpectedly: "It's so rare, you actually want to talk to me about the conditions and say what conditions you want to talk about."

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