His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1540: He and the glimmer are all down (10)

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Wang Caichun looked at the time and said anxiously, "What should we do? After all, we pushed Jin Yufeng's friends, and we always have a relationship."

Shi Guang nibbled at the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "This is an accident, and we don't want to."

"just in case……"

"We will do it because Jin Yufeng's friend took the initiative first. No waiter saw it just now, but there must be monitoring. We called the police, then went to the boss, handed the monitoring to the police, and went to the hospital later to bear the medical expenses. Have an apology. "

"it is good."

The two called the police to protect the scene until the police came to adjust the surveillance.

After the police knew the whole thing, they took Shiguang to the hospital with Wang Caichun. On the way, Shiguang called Lu Yanchen and talked a little about what just happened.

After arriving at the hospital, when seeing the police, Jin Yufeng's friends pointed at Shiguang and Wang Caichun, saying that they had harmed people and caught them in jail.

At this time, someone came hurriedly. Time originally thought that Lu Yanchen was here.

The result was a 50-year-old middle-aged man, followed by a young man dressed in a suit. The professional professional dress should be his assistant.

Jin Yufeng's friend was excited and shouted Uncle Jin.

Obviously, this person is Jin Yufeng's father.

Father Jin heard that Jin Yufeng was still in the emergency room, and one of his eyes might be insecure, and his face turned black instantly.

And Jin Yufeng's friends went up and added vinegar, and said more and more outrageous, in the end, it became time and Wang Caichun. Jin Yufeng deliberately pushed against the table, and then Feng Yufeng hit her eyes.

Father Jin set his eyes coldly on Shiguang and Wang Caichun. The two little yellow hair girls hurt his daughter, and he would definitely not let them go.

His eyes glanced at Wang Caichun from top to bottom, with contempt and disdain inside, apparently he knew who Wang Caichun was.

The expression on his face froze slightly when he saw the time.

This is not the daughter-in-law of the Lu family. The wedding was quite a sensation at the wedding. He went there at the time. After all, he was the granddaughter of Mr. Su and married to the Lu family. I thought about letting Yufeng and her get closer to help the Jin family.

What happened to Yu Feng's injury today?

If it comes to people in the Lu family, it is definitely necessary to make things clear, but it is not possible to mess around with their tempers.

But her daughter hurt her eyes, and this must not be the case!

He blinked strangely, and the friend who looked at Jin Yufeng asked, "Liu Yafang, what's going on? How did Yu Feng get hurt and who pushed it?"

Jin Yufeng's friend Liu Yafang blurted back: "They pushed it!"

Are they clearly answering them? But Father Jin asked like this: "She, which she, who pushed the two?"

Liu Yafang froze for a moment, looking at the expression of Father Jin, which apparently made her pick only one, and glanced at Time and Wang Caichun, who she wanted to choose.

Although Wang Caichun's family background is not as good as the Jin family, he can be regarded as a small giant.

The other girl, however, is a small, unnamed person. It ’s better to push everything onto her. Liu Yafang thought like this and raised her hand to point the time. When she looked at her father, she did not miss her father. The coldness in the eyes.

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