His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1541: He and the glimmer are all down (11)

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Liu Yafang froze for a moment, is she wrong?

Father Jin is very old-fashioned, and it is impossible for him to do anything unprofitable. The Jin family wants to marry the Chu family. Does the Father ... take this opportunity to let the Chu family marry Jin Feng?

In that case, naturally, Wang Caichun cannot be spared.

Thinking about it that way, Liu Yafang's finger that pointed at time slightly pointed at Wang Caichun and shouted, "It's her, it's all she pushed!"

Shi Guang and Wang Caichun both froze for a while, and understood subconsciously, this is picking soft persimmon.

Apparently, Father Jin already knew the identity of time and the divorce between Chu Mubei and her. In addition, Chu Mubei has recently cooperated with Father Jin, so he spoke to the Chu family and wanted to take this opportunity to let Wang Chu two completely broke.

It ’s a good idea to kill two birds with one stone.

Wang Caichun sneered in his heart.

It ’s okay to think about it. Today ’s events are indeed not related to time, and time is also a mistake. It is also a good thing to be able to take time out.

When Guang Guang was ready to speak, Wang Caichun pulled her hand and interrupted the time: "Yes, I pushed it, but I didn't push Miss Jin, but ..."

Liu Yafang quickly interrupted Wang Caichun's words: "She pushed me, but she did it on purpose. She wanted to kill someone with a knife. I calculated it and let me hit Yufeng, and then Yufeng would ..."

Father Jin stared coldly at Wang Caichun: "Are you intentional ?!"

He was very angry, and said with a little excitement: "You are so brave, you do n’t have to look at her daughter and you dare to harm her, aren't you afraid of the Jin family's revenge !!"

Wang Caichun explained, "At that time, my friend and I were leaving. It was this Miss Liu who held my friend. We were not allowed to leave. I was afraid she would hurt my friend, so I pushed her. The position where the lady was standing was a little far away. We did not expect that Miss Liu would retreat so far and ran directly into Miss Jin. If you do n’t believe it, but ask the two policemen, we have already called the police, and we will also carry the video. When you are down, you can watch the video ... "

After that, she looked at the police comrade.

Comrade Police nodded. "It was true at the time."

"Then you mean that my daughter deserves it, she has taken it upon herself!" Father Jin's face became harder to look, and the arrogance was even more arrogant than before. He did not look at the two policemen at all. Strong posture of the deputy superior.

"No, after all, I pushed people. Although it was an accident, but I was wrong, so I came here to apologize to Miss Jin, and I can take full responsibility for the medical expenses, but I still have to say that I am not like Liu The lady said it was intentional to hurt people. "

Wang Caichun explained for herself that she expressed her apology with a sincere attitude.

But she didn't think of it, instead of appeasing Father Jin, it made him instantly angry. "Apologize, you just talked to me just not like an apology. I don't think you have any sense of remorse. You now Looks so arrogant, but more like he came to demonstrate to me !! "

"Mr. Jin!" Wang Caichun bowed his head and asked with a trembling voice. "So how do you believe I apologize sincerely?"

Father Jin bowed his head faintly, his eyes were cold and murderous: "Kneel down!"

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