His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1542: He and the gleam are all down (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

what? Wang Caichun heard the words, she shivered a little, she was surprised and nervous! !!

Time also suddenly opened his mouth and kneeled ...

And everyone else was stunned and shocked. No one thought of coming. Father Jin actually let Wang Caichun kneel and apologize!

Wang Caichun worked hard to make the breathing smoother: "General Manager Jin, I respect you as an elder, and I also know that this accident has something to do with me. I sincerely apologize, but please don't be too insulting."

"Insult," Father Jin raised his voice lightly, and looked coldly at Wang Caichun with a cold eye, sneer: "My daughter is going to have one eye gone, you can just apologize. You kneel here first Hours, I look at your sincerity and regret, and I will come to see if you are really apologizing! "

Time was laughing in my heart, and it was unbelievable.

It's so arrogant and arrogant, it is simply the famous "My dad is Li Gang"!

She looked forward and looked at Father Jin and said, "Miss Liu was pulling me at the time, and of course I pushed Miss Liu, so did President Jin mean that I also wanted to kneel!"

She knew that Father Jin recognized her identity, and she wanted to see if he dare to let her kneel.

"Mrs. Lu Shao, Chief Lu has always cared for me. I know it is Liu Yafang who is pulling you. You can only be instinctively struggling. But don't be ignored because of your good heart.

Father Jin said lightly, completely changing the concept, saying that time was innocent and used by Wang Caichun. I hope she can take into account the face of Chief Lu and not make trouble here.

Everyone was surprised.

Shiguang and Wang Caichun were surprised. The man was shameless and bullied.

Jin Yufeng's friends and the two policemen were surprised at the identity of the time. They were actually from the Lu family. Jin Yufeng's friends were even more fortunate that she hadn't pointed at time just now, otherwise her family would be miserable.

Being with Wang Caichun must be the wife of the fourth son of the Lu family. Who knows that the fourth son of the Lu family is the shortest and most favored wife, and it is okay to mess with him, but he must not mess with his wife!

Wang Caichun was trembling with anger, and said with sorrow and indignation: "Jin, you just want to embarrass me intentionally."

"Dilemma, if you don't kneel now, I will let you know what is really distressed!" In the cold eyes of Father Jin, the poison was generally murderous, as if starting tomorrow in Z city there would be no royal family.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I tell you, you better pray that Yufeng's eyes are okay, otherwise it will not be so simple now, I will let your eyes pay for it."

As soon as the words fell, a joke voice rang out with a smile, "General Manager Jin, you are really amazing!"

The lazy voice made everyone turn their heads and looked at the sound.

I did n’t know when, Lu Yanchen and Chu Mubei stood at the other end of the hospital passageway. Just now the evil wand with a sarcastic voice came out of Chu Mubei.

They did not know how long they had stood, and how much they had just heard.

Time went immediately to Lu Yanchen, and whispered a few words to Lu Yanchen. Lu Yanchen was expressionless, but Chu Mubei, standing next to him, sank.

He walked over, stretched his hands on Wang Caichun's shoulders, circled himself, and said to Father Jin, "Some people you can move, some people you can't move, you don't know this ?! "

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