His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1567: He and the gleam are all down (37)

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The posture of the two was ambiguous, Lu Yanchi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his low-alcoholic voice penetrated into the heart like a spring breeze: "Are they together?"

Su Qianyi is a bit shy. Although she is very close, she has not washed it together. She moved her lips and wanted to speak ...

The door of the room was suddenly knocked, and then pushed open the next second.

The two looked subconsciously towards the door, and they saw Lu Yubai, standing there with a small face, and shouted softly, "Mom."

Su Qianxuan died shyly at this moment, she wanted to stand up as fast as possible.

But Lu Yanzhi held her tighter, and yelled at Xiaobai Leng: "Go!"

Lu Yubai is not happy anymore, hum! !! Dad is so bad, after trying to drive him away, secretly play with his mother in the bedroom! !!

He tilted his head proudly: "No! I want my mother to tell me a story!"

Su Qianyi felt extremely ashamed!

This Lu Yanzhi is too indifferent to the occasion, that can be done in front of children.

She pushed Lu Yanzhi away strongly, stepped down from him, and walked to Lu Yubai with a smile: "Xiao Bai, mother will tell you a story."

He walked over and hugged Xiaobai, and Xiaobai lay on his mother's shoulder and threw a successful belly black smile at his dad: "Mom, you are so good!"

Lu Yan smashed into bed angrily, Xiao Tuzi, really wanted to beat him!

The next day, Lu Yanzhi lost Xiaobai to Time and Lu Yanchen, and went on his honeymoon. Because Lu Yanzhi was a soldier and couldn't go abroad, he was ready to move around the country.

Time and Lu Yanchen have long made travel plans to go to Antarctica.

The journey to Antarctica is relatively long. It is necessary to transfer and take a boat in the middle. Sometimes adults will find it hard, let alone children. Of course, Xiaobai does not have a passport. Even if Time and Lu Yanchen are willing to take him, he cannot go.

Xiaobai only lived here for two days and was picked up by Shen Lingshuang.

The Antarctic is very cold, so you need to prepare clothes, hats, gloves, and other items that have good thermal and windproof performance. To prevent snow blindness, sunglasses are also necessary equipment.

Before departure, Shiguang and Lu Yanchen went to the mall to buy cold protection equipment.

In the middle, she went to the bathroom and saw Li Fangfei and Huo Zhan on the way back. Time lay down because she saw Huo Zhan beating Li Fangfei.

Because she was a little far away, she couldn't hear what they were talking about, but she felt that she was arguing. At the same time, she felt a little ambiguous, but Huo Zhan didn't already have a fiancee?

Time didn't go out to call them, just changed to another way to find Lu Yanchen.

At dinner time, Lu Yanchen took time to a western restaurant, and ordered all the food that time loves, but time was a little absent-minded.

Lu Yanchen changed his steak to the time, "What's wrong?"

Time hesitated for a moment, and said lightly, "Do you know who I saw in the mall just now?"


"Huo Zhan ..." and Fang Fei.

Waiting for her to finish, Lu Yanchen sank his face and said coldly, "You just wander because of him."

Someone was jealous, and time quickly explained: "I didn't just see Huo Zhan, I also saw Fang Fei, and they seem to ... oh, you don't know, they used to be ambiguous, but they were not together Now that Huo Zhan is engaged, how do I feel about them ... "

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