His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1568: He and the gleam are all down (38)

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Lu Yanchen understood what she said. He was silent and didn't want to let her know that Huo Zhan liked her.

Whether she really knew it or pretended not to know.

"Why weren't they together before, and now they're together, what about Huo Zhan's fiancee?" Time was a little complicated.

One is her best friend, and the other is her best brother to her from an early age. She has no way to not worry, and Mrs. Hob is also very good to her. This is all engaged, and there is an unclear triangle. Relationship, it is estimated that the most worrying is Mother Huo.

Lu Yanchen said coldly: "You are not a heroine. You don't need to see things wrong."

It means to ridicule her, she really loves to be nosy.

vicious! Time whispered in his heart, and then said, "I don't care, I don't care, otherwise I would just go out and ask them what happened."

Lu Yanchen took a sip of water, "You used to want two good friends to be together, and thought they should be a pair, but now seeing them together and feeling uncomfortable, somehow you will feel that your friends are three, you will think that The fiancée is pitiful. Inexplicably involved in this relationship? "

The inner thought was completely guessed by Lu Yanchen, and time nodded with a sigh: "That's almost it."

Lu Yanchen laughed aloud: "Are you particularly lucky now, you chose me at that time, otherwise you will be the third person."

puff! !! His words almost fainted.

Stinky, narcissistic!

She smiled and said, "No, sometimes I regret it, how can I meet a husband with such a bad temper."

Lu Yanchen looked at her dangerously: "Eat your food, or throw you out of the window."

The corners of time twitched, it was a threat at every turn, unchanged for several years, and proud.

The two went straight home after dinner.

Lu Yanchen went to the trunk to pick up things, and time went into the apartment empty-handed. As usual, Lu Yanchen took the things, and she was only responsible for pressing the elevator.

As soon as time went in, I saw a woman coming out of the elevator. The woman was very beautiful, her hair was slightly curly, her facial features were exquisite makeup, and she was very temperamentally dressed.

The steps under Time's feet were a little pause.

This is Hu Huanzhan's fiancee Hu Huanhuan, because before he saw Huo Zhan and Li Fangfei together, he was so ambiguous. Now when he saw Hu Huanhuan, his time was a bit embarrassing.

Seeing the time, Hu Huanhuan gave a little sting. Isn't that Huo Zhan's friend?

What's the name come, do not remember, only know the last name.

The two met together. The first time was that Huo Zhan introduced some good friends to her, and she was in the middle. At that time, I felt that Hu Zhan was very good to her and took care of her, but she didn't take it to heart because She is married.

The second time was Huo Zhan's birthday. Everyone ate a meal together. They didn't talk about it at that time. They were not familiar with her. She didn't take her name by heart.

Anyway, Huo Zhan's friends in China are not on the stage, and she is too lazy to remember.

Recently, Huo Zhan has always avoided her, often does not answer her phone, and seems to have the meaning of breaking up.

Now when she meets the woman with this surname downstairs from Huo Zhan, thinking of Huo Zhan's difference to this woman before, is it possible that Huo Zhan's recent cold-shoulder is because of this woman.

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