His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1584: The youngest major general in history (2)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

One month passed quickly. Seeing that the confinement was finished, he would leave Lu's house with his granddaughter. Chief Lu was very distressed and could not bear his granddaughter.

Lu Yubai, of course, couldn't bear it. The exquisite and small chin tip turned a little belly black, and said to the head of the landing, "Grandpa, you are an elder, and you have to raise your sister. That dear and mother have to back. "

Chief Executive Lu heard that and felt very reasonable.

As soon as he patted the table, he arrogantly decided to kiss his granddaughter and kiss his granddaughter.

Seeing his wife confinement was over, Lu Yanchen wanted to take his wife and daughter home, but was rejected by Chief Lu. "If you want to go back, go home by yourself. Don't let my granddaughter catch the wind."

Shiguang and Lu Yanchen looked at the weather outside at the same time. The sun was shining. Why would it be windy in the summer?

Obviously, Chief Lu was reluctant to bear his granddaughter.

The two were also considerate of their elders, thinking about living in Lu Zhai, after all, they could not bear their daughter.

Although when I was born, time seemed to abandon my daughter, but one month passed, her daughter is no longer the wrinkled little fart child, and she has become a tender and tender Jiaobao egg, her eyes open roundly. With red lips and white teeth, a smile can sprout the heart.

Don't mention how flattering it is.

Every time Shen Lingshuang held her arms, she said she was intoxicated, just like her daughter, because she was so much like her, in fact she was like Lu Yanchen, and Lu Yanchen was like Shen Lingshuang.

In addition, when children are a month or two, they still need breastfeeding.

Time lived in Lu Zhai, the child really didn't bother her.

On this day, time woke up and went downstairs, and the huge Lu's house was empty, leaving only Xiaobai and Xiaobai in his arms happy.

Shiguang asked, "Why do you look at your sister alone, others?"

"I'm all busy." Lu Yubai said coldly, holding Lu Xingxiaopen friends in one hand, holding a milk bottle in one hand, shaking the milk powder in the bottle.

"You are ..."

"Feed my sister to drink milk powder!" Lu Yu replied concisely.

"How can I feed you?" Time frowned, "Come on, give me ..."

She wanted to take over the little happy, but the child Lu Yubai staggered his body. "No, don't you, take a rest."

Then put the baby bottle into Xiaoxinhe, calling him a skilled gesture.

He's my sister, so you don't need to bother your stand, and time frightens you for a long time: "..."

She touched her neck with a smile and said that her daughter was really popular.

But being too popular is not a good thing, because when the daughter can speak, the first sentence she feeds is not bully or numbness, but ... Gege.

Lu Yanchen is not calm, this is his daughter, his daughter ...

No longer willing to live in Lu's house, one day, while the landing chief went out, Lu Yanchen took his wife and daughter back to his home.

Chief Lu returned home and found that his granddaughter was gone and he lost his temper.

Shen Lingshuang was not happy anymore. He called his son and asked his granddaughter to raise him in Luzhai, but he was strongly rejected.

Only Lu Yubai, who is writing a book in the corner, glides over the cold light of his calculations, younger sister, don't worry, wait for your brother to save you from the "magic cellar."


PS: The chapter in which the body won the gold medal in the competition is officially over. Thank you for your company along the way. This is the best book that Sucri has written so far. Do n’t mention the plot, even the small details , Also all thought carefully for a long time.

Next is Fanfan, Fanwai is Xiaobai, I hope you will continue to support Susu, because the content of Fanwai is also very exciting. It is the military academy who has always wanted to write. The military pets have always wanted to write the text, but because the pets are too sensitive, the editor will not allow me to write, so I can only write this story I have thought about for a long time, and it is sweet. It's so cool and hot that you won't regret it.

"He and the Shimmering City" have been signed for publication. The publication needs to be refined and the ending, so the update is not stable during this time. Fanwai will update to six or more after starting the update. I hope everyone will support Susu as always, Susu will continue to accompany everyone with the best plots and the most stable updates.

Finally, I wish everyone happy every day. Love you ~~

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