His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1585: The youngest major general in history (3)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

However, Lu Yubai's plan was caught by Lu Yan before he realized it, and he went to the military area for special training.

Although she did not "save" her younger sister, she always cared about her younger sister as soon as she returned home, and she would think of a way to make Shen Lingshuang turn Xiaoxin back to Luzhai for a few days.

Xiao Kaixin was also particularly entangled with him. As soon as he saw Lu Yubai, his eyes would immediately smile into a crescent shape, and then he ran with his short legs, and he ran towards Lu Yubai as he fled.

The twin brother of the bear child also wanted his brother to hold a comrade, so he learned to run happily and yelled at the landing encounter: "Brother, brother ..."

But every time he was ignored by Lu Yubai.

At this time, Xiao Kaixin would laugh in the arms of his brother, and the successful little vigor would cry the bear twins directly.

The bear child cried to find his mother and shouted: "Brother is biased, brother is biased."

Lu Yu was cold with a small face, but he was partial.

At the age of sixteen, Lu Yubai was thrown to the military academy by Lu Yan. Z District Military Academy, the highest military academy, is the high command academy of the Z Military Region, and the most mysterious of the five mysterious military schools in China. The military school is completely militarized. Management is very strict.

After Lu Yubai entered the school, he was a school character, and he was suddenly promoted to be a grass-level male god. Even if he was arrogant, he did not prevent a group of girls from like him.

Among those who chased Lu Yubai the fiercest, and even gave himself the name of "Lu Yubai's girlfriend", is the school's school flower Luo Xueer.

Lu Yubai, standing in a military uniform, leaned beside a tree, his eyes narrowed, as if closing his eyes and keeping his eyes closed. Although he was in a green military uniform, he had a self-evident charm.

Because of his youth, his body is not too strong, but he is not thin, tall and erect, and every line is full of slender and powerful feeling.

The sun passed through the cracks in the leaves and fell quietly on him, making the handsome face more lazy.

The eyes of many girls were enthusiastically fixed on her.

But no one dares to step forward easily.

Except Luo Xueer.

The girl dressed in the same military uniform as Lu Yubai has a delicate and beautiful face, and the tender white skin, which can be broken by the bullet, is tanned by the sun, as if charmingly painted with rouge.

She has a pair of big water eyes, looking at the landing and flickering when encountering Bai: "Meet Bai, are you thirsty?"

Pass the water in your hand to Lu Yubai.

The girl sprayed perfume, and the aroma drifted to Lu Yubai. The taste stabbed Lu Yubai, and frowned subconsciously.

He stepped back subconsciously, "No need."

Luo Xueer did not lose her timidity because of this, and continued her efforts: "When you meet Bai, don't be embarrassed."

Lu Yubai stared at him indifferently, blind, why didn't he see him? Just like a fly, get away! !!

A classmate next to him coaxed, "Oh, Lu Yubai, have you dated Luo Xueer again?"

Luo Xueer blushed for a moment, looking very happy, but her mouth darted, "What are you talking about?"

"Where are we talking nonsense, you are obviously together."

"One school spends one school grass. It should have been a pair."

"Together with."

"Kiss one, kiss one."

Luo Xueer's face turned redder, and her ears turned red, looking at Lu Yubai with expectation.

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