His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1586: The youngest major general in history (4)

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Lu Yubai was expressionless from beginning to end, especially those phoenix eyes, which seemed to hide endless icy coldness, which was a kind of icy cold that was thousands of miles away.

But everyone ignored it automatically ... just blame Lu Yubai for a handsome face at all times.

At this moment, the sound of a car driving in the distance came. Everyone subconsciously looked at the past, and they were all curious who it would be. After all, no ordinary person could drive a car into a school.

It is a modified military Hummer, and it is not an ordinary modification. Generally, only the directorate level can be equipped with this advanced modified car.

Everyone made a sound of wonder, and their eyes were full of curiosity about who the person would be.

However, they never thought that when the car stopped, it would come down from the top, a pink and cute child.

The little girl was exquisite, beautiful, round and cute, and couldn't help but want to hug her and kiss her.

Which chief's child is this?

Just when everyone was wondering, Yu Xue's lovely little girl, with her innocent and lovely eyes, fell on Lu Yubai.

Eyes rolled around, and finally fell on the woman in front of Lu Yubai.

And Lu Yubai's original expression was as difficult to shake as an iceberg. If the blazing fire slowly melted away, she looked at the little girl like a spring breeze: "Little happy ..."

Xiaoxian heard the words, Xiaokouer smiled cheerfully, the lovely appearance, soft and adorable, could not help but melt.

While preparing to open his mouth to call his brother, he saw his brother's eyes glanced next to him, and Xiao Xiaoyan's eyes turned and he saw the girl standing next to his brother.

What she was about to export immediately became: "BaBa ..."

Then she walked with her short legs, and hurriedly rushed towards Landing Yubai. "I miss you so much, domineering." Her most domineering brother.

Lu Yubai raised an eyebrow, smiled, and bent down slightly, then hugged Xiao Xiao and hugged it gently. No loss is his sister Lu Yubai, smart.

The whole audience was in a weird silence, and the expressions on everyone's faces were all stiff, and they stared at them with fright.

It wasn't until God disappeared that they disappeared into the eyes.




What was that little girl Lu Yubai just now? Dad ... How old is Lu Yubai, sixteen, how could there be a girl five or six?

How can a ten-year-old be a dad? !! !! However, such a lie was really believed by some people, and I really felt that Xiao Happy was the daughter of Lu Yubai.

However, even if some people believe it, the girl who likes Lu Yubai has not decreased.

Lu Yubai ignored the rumors outside, and his goal was to surpass his father.

His father, Lu Yanzhi, also entered this military academy at the age of 16, and immediately joined the army as a sergeant after graduation. He became the youngest major at the age of 26.

And he has to pass his dad first, to complete this goal at the age of 25.

In school, whether it is physical training or culture class, it will always be the first. In only two years, he has completed all the courses of the university with the best grades. He was sent to study military skills abroad.

After returning, he was almost riding a roller coaster. At the age of 23, he surpassed his father and became the youngest major general in history.

Now as long as Lujia is mentioned, the first name flashed in everyone's mind must be Lu Yubai, the genius of Lujia.

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