His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1591: Meet the starry night, passion is infinite (5)

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Ye Xingkong seemed to understand a bit, the reason Lin Linwei was hostile to himself.

She chuckled: "I just passed out, but fortunately someone picked it up and sent me to the infirmary, otherwise it would be miserable. I really want to thank Lu, Yu and Bai."

"Did you call Lu Yubai's name?" Lin Yanyan was so glaring, "Trouble you to see your own position, don't expect extravagant people!"

Leaving this sentence, she took Zhou Qingmei away.

Ye Xingkong shrugged and spread his hands: "..."

Song Hongyang was embarrassed with a look on his face: "How can this person bite people like a neurosis?"

Wang Yanwen said with a smile: "You don't know about this, Lin Yanyan, it is said that you and Lu Yubai have known each other since they were young. They both grew up in the military district courtyard. Lin Yanyan liked Lu Yubai from an early age. She didn't introduce her hot and cold paste on her cold bottom at all. Today Lu Yubai went to the infirmary while holding the starry sky. She cried on the spot. The jealous one, the jealous one. Now it's normal to warn me! "

"That's the case, it's not surprising." Ye Xingkong thoughtfully, the man had such charm.

"Well, Xingkong, leave them alone." Zhou Jing patted Ye Xingkong's shoulder with concern.

"Rest assured, I'm fine, I'll take a shower."

Wang Yanwen's eyes fluttered, his eyes slightly hooked, and Ye Xingkong, who was about to leave, asked in a gossip.

"Yeah, yeah ..." Song Hongyang also came over and looked at her curiously. Even Zhou Jing couldn't hide her gossip and stared tightly at herself.

Ye Xingkong squinted her eyes and smiled, and she opened Wang Xiwen's hand: "I won't tell you."

One turned around, took the changed clothes, and went into the bathroom.

It feels so good to hug it ...

The night training started at 7:30 in the evening. Ye Xingkong was put on a vacation for one night because of a fainting. He also had no dinner because of the fainting.

She touched her belly and kept cooing, no cosmetics, no mobile phone, no takeaway, and even snacks were confiscated in the morning, so sad, so hungry!

Ye Xingkong looked at the time. The school service was about to open. She hurriedly took the money and ran out. She would buy whatever she wanted, and she would fill up her stomach and say it.

I only eat small bread and water, which is really different from those glamorous bargain shops outside! !!

Ye Xingkong found a place to sit down, took a sip of water and began to spit on bread.

Eating and eating, she suddenly found that a tall and upright officer was sitting on a chair next to her, with features of cool and indifferent lines, thin lips, and staring at the book in her hand. Increasingly beautiful and seductive.

Ye Xingkong was almost choked.

Damn, how could Lu Yubai be here, did you see how you gorged yourself just now?

God, her image! !!

When Ye Xingkong was in great sorrow, she saw a girl walk to Lu Yubai: "Hello, senior ..."

"No time." Lu Yu didn't raise his head.

"I just want to ask ..."

"No time." Lu Yubai refused again.

He seems to have become accustomed to such a conversation.

The girl looked at Lu Yubai with a resentful look, then walked away warily.

Ye Xingkong, who has seen all this, widened her eyes. God, it's so cold and ruthless. !! !!

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