His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1592: Meet the starry night, the passion is infinite (6)

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Ye Xingkong's heart was banging, she wanted to talk to him very much, she just wanted to thank him, but she was scared, and would be like the girl just now, before she finished speaking, just Was "blocked" directly!

But asking her to do nothing seems to be not her style.

Ye Xingkong put the bread and water in his hand next to the chair, and chewed the bread in his mouth gently, swallowing without any trace.

She wiped her mouth, took a deep breath, then stood up, walked gently in front of Lu Yubai, afraid of being interrupted by Lu Yubai, she said very quickly: "Lu Xuechang, thank you for your life-saving grace! "

Probably after hearing "the life-saving grace", Lu Yubai raised his eyes, looked at the girl in front of him, and asked gently, "Are you?"

Ye Xingkong suddenly felt dumbfounded and looked at Lu Yubai with a grim expression.

How long has this been? Obviously this happened only this afternoon, and actually asked who she was, did she have no sense of existence?

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Lu Yubai frowned slightly, Ye Xing's hollow liver trembled, mom, the man in front of him was really handsome, just squinting his eyes gently, it seemed to be hitting her.

Her stiff body stood straight, like a pupil in teacher training, watching Lu Yubai and said, "This afternoon, I suffered from heatstroke. It was the senior that you sent me to the infirmary. The school doctor said that I would go there in a little while. The hospital was rescued. Thank you very much. "

Then a straight bow.

Lu Yubai stood up and the tall man immediately gave a majestic look.

Ye Xingkong couldn't breathe because of his high-level examination of ordinary eyes.

She lowered her eyes subconsciously, afraid to face the man, afraid that he had a deep, stern look, would see herself through, and feared that she would run over and apologize, and would make him regard herself as the girl just now, no matter Today's fainting, or now talking, just to approach him.

But Wang Yuwen said that Lu Yubai hated the girls who confessed to him and entangled him.

She yelled under her heart and said hurriedly: "That ... please don't get me wrong, I'm really just thanking you, not thinking about you."

Lu Yubai: "..."

Yeah! !! How could she say that? The heart could not escape from his chest, and even his fingers trembled nervously.

"That fainting is really fainting, not to entangle you. Before that, I didn't know wq, I didn't like you at all, and I wouldn't chase you, so you must not be burdened." Uh uh, first Closer to say, since ancient times, the true love is the most precious, but it is a waste of no routine.

Lu Yubai: "..."

Seeing the back of Bai Lu silently approaching, Ye Xingkong silently spurned himself in his heart. What he thought was broken, seemed to be unworkable.

That night, Ye Xingkong had been dreaming.

In the dream, there was a young man, Lang Jun, with warm eyes, calm and elegant, like an immortal immortal. When he was dressed in white, he stood straight on a peach tree, like the snow on the top of the mountain, cold and arrogant. But he reached out his hand gently: "Starry sky ..."

"I'm here."


"Meeting ..."

She shouted his name and ran to the young man's arms.

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