His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1593: Meet the starry night, passion is infinite (7)

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At six o'clock in the morning, the wake-up horn sounded on time, and the harsh voice awakened Ye Xingkong's dream, and a thriller sat up from the bed.

She woke up for a while before sitting down and crawling off the bed.

Song Hongyang was already dressed and urged her while she tied her belt: "Starry sky, you're going to be late!"

Wang Yiwen smiled and said, "The starry sky is still awake and I haven't woken up."

Zhou Jing shook her broken hair and looked at Ye Xingkong and asked, "Xingkong, I really didn't expect that you love to talk in sleep while sleeping."

"Ah? I was talking about dreams last night?" Ye Xingkong was a little surprised. She had been sleeping alone since she was a child. She didn't know about talking about dreams.

"Say." Song Hongyang nodded.

"Starry sky, have you dreamed of spring? Oh, you keep saying that I want to, I want to ..." Wang Yanwen played her voice and said something very ambiguous.

Ye Xingkong suddenly blushed and heartbeat, her head was sober, but the memory in her dream was blurred.

What she dreamed of last night only had some blurry pictures, but it should not be a spring dream. Although she only remembers some blurry pictures, there is no yellow picture.

How can I say "I want"?

How does she feel that it should be me ...

No matter what, if you don't hurry up, you will really be late.

Ye Xingkong hurriedly ran to the playground. On the large playground, all the people were crowded. The students found their class to arrange.

The trainees are assigned by department, with about thirty people in one class.

Of all the departments, Ye Xingkong had the least number of students in the command department, adding up to a total of nineteen.

In addition to the literature and art department, there are more girls, and the other non-command departments, communication departments, and automation departments are almost all boys, with an average of five girls in a class.

The command department is pretty good, nineteen students, but two girls.

One is Ye Xingkong, the other is Lin Yanyan.

Many girls want to come to the command department, but the conditions for recruiting girls in the command department are very strict. Generally, they are not recruited. The recruitment of girls is non-command. This year is an exception.

After everyone lined up, all the instructors in each class arrived. Except for the command department, the students of the command department began to whisper.

"I heard that the instructors in our class were outsourced for a month because of temporary assignments."

"I also heard that it is said that a temporary instructor has been replaced from the army."

"Who is who?"

"I don't know. It's said to be very strict. It's called the Devil Instructor."

"It's over, the tragic days are about to begin."


When the gossip was about halfway, the instructor came, and everyone called him Captain Chen, with a Chinese character face, very serious, always stretched his face, and everyone in the class was a little afraid of him.

Today he did not come alone, and he was followed by an imposing officer.

Ye Xingkong looked intently, actually Lu Yubai.

Today Lu Yubai is not the usual military uniform, but a regular uniform of the instructor's uniform. The whole body is meticulous. The epaulets are one wheat and one star higher than the instructor's grade.

So, their temporary instructor for this month is Lu Yubai?

Although he was a major general at the age of 23, he was sent to a foreign military training abroad by a school five years ago.

After returning with the best results, he stayed in the army for another two years and made countless achievements, but after all, he never returned to school to get a diploma. Strictly speaking, he was actually a student.

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