His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1596: Meet the starry night, the passion is infinite (10)

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Lin Yanyan stared at Ye Xingkong indignantly, and reluctantly ran around the playground.

The corners of Ye Xingkong's lips slightly tilted upwards, and he couldn't control how he laughed.

Five laps to thirty laps, how did she make it.

The cold-looking man inadvertently glanced at Ye Xingkong, and his unbiased eyes just saw Ye Xingkong's mouth, and the fox smiled.

When Ye Xingkong noticed it, he had converged at the fastest speed, but it was too late.

"Did I make you laugh ?!" The man's deep, cold voice made the hot weather suddenly cold, exhaling Ye Xingkong's body and dropping his scum.

"Report instructor, no!" Ye Xingkong stood with his hands against the seam of his trousers, and stood still stiffer. After that, he wouldn't have to run another lap, she shouldn't be so proud of it.

"Then what are you laughing at?" Lu Yubai's voice sounded again, without any tone.

"Reporting to the instructor, I didn't laugh, it was a cramp in my mouth!" Ye Xingkong replied loudly, she couldn't laugh now.

But the corner of the classmate next to me couldn't help but hook up, and it looked weird again. There was a cute female classmate, and the days of the military academy didn't seem boring!

"... cramps! Very good!" Lu Yubai took a deep look at Ye Xingkong, and that look was warning, as if to say, yes, I remember you.

"Name." He leaned slightly sideways, his body standing against the light, and those narrow phoenix eyes under the brim of the hat were shining brightly.

"Report to Instructor Shen, my name is Ye Xingkong." You must remember me firmly, I will be the most important woman in your life.

Lu Yubai gave a sneer: "Ye, Xing, Kong, I hope it will not be empty with bamboo baskets!"

Why did Ye Xingkong sound strange? It seemed to be saying that she was careful and wasted, and to no avail, she was kicked out of school directly.

She replied aloud, "Reporting to the instructor, it is a vast sky."

This time Lu Yubai didn't speak, but just took two steps towards the front of Ye Xingkong.

Ye Xingkong suddenly discovered that Lu Yubai had a place that made her jealous. He seemed to be different from other instructors. The other instructors were either tanned or bronzed.

But he seems to have been in the sun, but his skin is very white.

Is this the legend that the tanned skin.


Ye Xingkong was dreaming, Lu Yubai screamed, he did not hear it.

"The bamboo basket is empty! Get out of the queue!" Lu Yubai raised slightly.

Ye Xingkong didn't move, looked at him in amazement, raised his finger and pointed at himself after a pause: "Instructor, would you call me?"

"Otherwise?" The man asked, holding his hand back, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if the Lion King had a hint of laziness and elegance.

Just a glance, but Ye Xingkong felt that he had been stung, and the temperature on his face rose sharply. He didn't have to cover his chest to feel it, and he knew that the frequency of the heart beat accelerated.

She swallowed her mouth, and she was inexplicably brave.

Ye Xingkong replied, "Report to the instructor, you have collapsed."

"People set?" Lu Yubai apparently didn't keep up with his brain circuit and froze for a moment.

"The bamboo basket was empty, and you called my name for seven words, which is inconsistent with your cold words." Ye Xingkong's voice was subconsciously low.

But the whole class still heard it, and some of them already trembled with a smile.

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