His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1597: Meet the starry night, passion is infinite (11)

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The corners of Lu Yu's cold lips seemed to slightly tickle.

He looked at her definitively, his eyes sharp as if to see her through a hole.

Just when Ye Xingkong thought he was about to be punished again, Lu Yubai suddenly turned around.

As soon as the morning training was over, as soon as Lu Yubai left, the male classmates in the class laughed into dogs. Some people even asked Ye Xingkong if he had a boyfriend. Ye Xingkong calmly looked. She already has someone she likes. Go and meet girls from other departments.

Everyone broke up, went to wash and have breakfast, only Lin Yanyan continued to run for penalty, she could not go to breakfast after 30 laps.

Ye Xingkong was waiting for Song Hongyang. They just knew Lin Yanyan on the narrow road. Lin Yanyan was running in a rough temper. Looking at Ye Xingkong no matter how uncomfortable he was, he had to aggressively demonstrate to Ye Xingkong: "Ye Xingkong, wait for me!"

Song Hongyang looked at Lin Yanyan who was still running, and looked at Ye Xingkong and asked, "What happened to her?"

"She's too beautiful, so she was punished." Ye Xingkong laughed.

"Oh! God, long and beautiful crime, your lord is really too impersonal." Wang Yiwen said indignantly, but her voice didn't feel like she was arguing about Lin Yanyan. , But a little ironic voice.

"What's wrong with your brain, let's go." Zhou Jing said.

"You can lie down comfortably." Wang Yanwen patted his face.

"Waiting for a culture class, I can finally catch my breath this morning."


Lin Yanyan certainly heard their chat. She looked back at Ye Xingkong's figure, and the angry flame in her eyes seemed to burst out.

Suddenly, she stopped and stomped her feet two times. She wanted to stop running, but when she saw the surveillance camera over the playground, she thought of it and continued to run again.

Culture courses, in addition to some courses that universities should have, Ye Xingkong's command department also has queue command, battlefield psychology, tactical foundation, protection, and so on.

"Starry sky, we have movie appreciation in this world. Although they are all war movies, my dear, it is not a fool to choose such elective courses." Song Hongyang reminded Ye Xingkong.

Wang Yiwen quickly said, "I want me to choose, so everyone will have a light class."

Song Hongyang said: "You think about the beauty, but it is difficult to grab. It is not easy to grab two doors." She said to Ye Xingkong, "The starry sky, the command system is a little far from the dormitory. You better watch Time is coming. "

Ye Xingkong made an OK gesture.

She said that for her weak chickens, her elective courses must be the easiest courses.

Because the faculties are different, Ye Xingkong and Song Hongyang said goodbye to each other, and then went to their faculty with a computer and a book.

Reaching out to open the door, the door was pushed from the inside, Ye Xingkong raised his eyes, and saw Lu Yubai coming out from the inside.

She grinned at once, trying to say hello, and found something wrong, and quickly posed, saluting: "Good instructor."

Lu Yubai nodded and gave her a slight glance, her jaw tightened, her lips tight, and she left.

Ye Xingkong looked at the long and straight back, and felt that he was really trapped ...

She sat in the classroom with her hand on her chin, thinking about life ... oh no, she was thinking about Lu Yubai.

Until Lin Yanyan sat next to her, staring aggressively at her, with a look of high expression, "Ye Xingkong, you must be deliberate, kicking me deliberately when you want to disband, so that I have no breakfast!"

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