His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1598: Meet the starry night, passion is infinite (12)

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"It seems you didn't kick me ?!" Ye Xingkong turned to look at her, looking carelessly.

"You!" Lin Yanyan was speechless for a moment, and finally she scolded angrily, "You are just a fox, and you can only seduce a man!"

"That is also a skill, you can't seduce if you want to seduce, you are really a failure." Ye Xingkong said, hehe smiled.

Lin Yanyan's face became even more ugly. "The beauty you want, Lu Yubai won't like you, you can't seduce."

Ye Xingkong spread his hands. "Since I think I can't seduce, what are you going to do with me?"

Lin Yanyan froze for a moment, she sat down, still suffocated: "Do you know that you just made me almost broke my leg?"

"Ah, you're so weak." Ye Xingkong asked in surprise, then patted her shoulder: "Well, I'm also very tired, I was chased after by a crazy dog."

Lin Yanyan heard, her face suddenly darkened, and a raging red tide came out: "Who do you call a crazy dog?"

Ye Xingkong asked her in return: "I mean the person who chased me fiercely and I didn't name you. What you mean now is to admit that you deliberately asked me for trouble."

"You!" Lin Yanyan gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

Ye Xingkong looked frightened, and flinched back: "Why, do you want to fight?"

Lin Yanyan said fiercely, "Don't think I dare not hit you."

With that said, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and looked like Ye Xingkong.

"Haha, you fight ..." Ye Xingkong said, and made up for it: "Hurry me up, as long as you do it, you are breaking school discipline. I read the school rules yesterday, and I dare not fight when I was freshman. The reason is to expel the student directly. "

Lin Yanyan didn't expect this to go up, and the momentum instantly weakened.

Of course, she can't leave. After leaving, she won't be able to contact Lu Yubai again. After all, Lu Yubai became her instructor. How could she miss such a good opportunity!

She was just out of breath, and accidentally, her stomach groaned suddenly.

Lin Yanyan had already missed the meal perfectly after running thirty laps.

Ye Xingkong fluttered and laughed.

But scolding, but can't do it, Lin Yanyan suddenly became angry with green face: "You are less proud."

The instructor came in, Lin Yanyan shot the book and notebook on the table, as if she was taking photos of Ye Xingkong, and she stared at Ye Xingkong severely from time to time.

But Ye Xingkong never ignored her, as if an ordinary student was sitting next to her.

After class, Ye Xingkong is still sitting in place, she is waiting for electives, time is limited, after returning to her dormitory, she should be chosen if she is relaxed.

Lin Yanyan got up and left, staring at Ye Xingkong subconsciously.

She saw Ye Xingkong's computer and opened the course selection webpage. At this look, she knew what Ye Xingkong wanted to do.

However, those relaxed class places are limited, and they are all grabbed. It is impossible to grab the speed at hand, but she is not in a hurry, because someone wants to grab her a class, but Ye Xingkong is different.

She lifted her watch and looked at the time. It was 2 minutes before her course was chosen.

Lin Yanyan glanced in her eyes, she turned back to the classroom, ran to Ye Xingkong, and shouted, "Ye Xingkong."

Ye Xingkong turned his head subconsciously to give her a look: "Why?"

"Let me use your computer." Then, without waiting for Ye Xingkong's consent, he just folded Ye Xingkong's notebook and grabbed it.

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