His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1608: Routine instructor's correct posture (8)

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"Starry sky, set off, and quickly follow."

Everyone had set off and saw Ye Xingkong was still in place, so he reached out and greeted her quickly.

Ye Xingkong hurried up, and it seemed that she was really practicing her physical strength, and she couldn't drag the whole class by the tail of the crane.

Despite her determination, she was still behind, and by the time she returned to school, breakfast was over.

But after she entered the dormitory, she found that there were actually three buns. One of the three roommates in the dormitory reserved one for her.

Ye Xingkong moved all to cry, hugging them and kissed each of them.

Wang Yiwen not only gave her a bun, but also showed her a photo with a smile.

It was Lin Yanyan. Lin Yanyan in the photo was crying, her hair was scratched into a henhouse, and she was holding a bun in her hair.

Wang Yiwen was a young reporter in their class. He had a video camera in his hand and just happened to meet Lin Yanyan, who was crying but sad and hungry, so he filmed this scene.

Ye Xingkong immediately laughed, and almost sprayed out the buns in his mouth.

Several other people should have laughed before, so they are restrained.

Ye Xingkong found himself and liked the school more and more.

If she had come to the military academy before, she might have to do so. She did n’t want to transfer to the school, and she was a little selfish. Now she finds that she likes this school, her classmates and her roommates.

Her classmates, except Lin Yanyan, are all tall and handsome.

Her dormitory is all beautiful and cute little girls.

Suddenly, Ye Xingkong had a thought in her head. She ate buns and asked with a smile: "Are you looking for a boyfriend? I can introduce our classmates to you."

The three eyes brightened: "Really?"

But the next second sank: "The school refused to fall in love."

Wang Yiwen held her tanned face: "My desire for masks is now more than my desire for love."

"You apply it to your face layer by layer from left to right every day, but you are still going to get tanned." Song Hongyang felt that it was best not to bask in the sun.

"I'll go back to the cafeteria and get you a cucumber." Zhou Jing said to Wang Yiwen.

"Ah, Zhou Jing, it looks so dirty if you don't talk all day long." Song Hongyang laughed.

"People made melon to make a mask for me. Where did you think of it?" Wang Yanwen despised her, and leaned on Zhou Jing's shoulder: "It's still best for me."

Zhou Jing smiled.

"Starry sky, if I can, I really need to get together, but tell me the one you like first, so that I don't fancy what you like, no matter how good this man is, we can't reach our feelings," Song Hongyang said.

"You really don't wink. What we like in the sky is not her classmates. What we like in the sky is Lu Xuechang." Wang Yanwen said, blinking at Ye Xingkong.

"Lu Xue has a very long nose and red lips and white teeth. It is said that such a man's sexual ability is super strong. Can you be soft and able to bear it?" Song Hongyang sighed with emotion.

Ye Xingkong, who was drinking water, choked himself directly. This association is too rich, Song Hongyang is worthy of her rotten title.

"Oh my God, Hong Yang, you really aren't really dirty." Wang Yanwen and Zhou Jing were surprised.

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