His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1609: Routine instructor's correct posture (9)

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Song Hongyang quickly explained: "It's not what I said, it's what the book says. Tooth white means good kidney function. If a man's lips are red and white, and his nose is pretty, that ability must be very strong. If the starry sky is under him ..."

Just then the door of the dormitory was suddenly opened, and the three were startled.

The crowd snorted instantly.

The person who came was Lin Yanyan, who looked a little embarrassed, his eyes red, and then his face was shocked.

Everyone couldn't help laughing at the thought of seeing her photo just now.

Lin Yanyan slowly darkened her face. She frowned, her face a little reddish: "You, you ... too shameless, vixen is a vixen, so YY Lu Yubai, shameless."

Everyone stared at her grimly, jokingly.

"What's wrong with YY, don't tell us that you haven't had YY, maybe you still have a spring dream every day, Lu Yubai is all over you in the dream." Song Hongyang didn't care about it at all, she always talked dirty.

"you you you……"

Lin Yanyan was so angry that she was about to jump.

Ye Xingkong turned on his computer and came to Lin Yanyan.

Lin Yanyan saw herself in the photo, her face was white with fright, and she yelled angrily: "Delete it, delete it immediately!"

Ye Xingkong put away the computer and threatened: "I tell you, if you dare to come to us again in the future, I will send this photo to Lu Yubai."

"Do you dare!" Lin Yan threatened madly.

"Dare you bother me, and I will send it to Lu Yubai." Ye Xingkong was not threatened at all.

Lin Yanyan was really afraid that Ye Xingkong would send the photo to Lu Yubai, so she did n’t dare to say anything. Before leaving, she said to Ye Xing, "I ’m here to tell you that I shoot very hard and I will be the strongest Yes, it won't be behind you, fox, you don't want to grab my Lu Yubai. "

Then he opened his mouth, took a big bite, and made a lion's expression, which was not ordinary evil.

Wang Yanwen covered her mouth, looking terrified: "I'm so scared."

Zhou Jing immediately shook her fist and waved toward her.

Lin Yanyan was scared and hurried out.

Song Hongyang laughed at her at the back: "Haha, just this courage, even dare to come to the demonstration and laugh at me."

Ye Xingkong lay lazily on the bed: "Ignore her, I'm exhausted, and I don't know what to do. I gather urgently in the middle of the night."

"I know, I know." The gossip little dirty girl immediately raised her hand.

The three immediately looked at her: "Hong Yang, your news is really well-informed. Then you can talk about why you have an emergency assembly suddenly."

"Well, this ..."

Selling again, Zhou Jing is an acute child, and immediately said impatiently, "Why, you come and listen to it quickly."

Song Hongyang coughed slightly, and then whispered, "Do you know the military school in District S?"

Everyone knows: "The two schools have always been in a competitive relationship, but what does this have to do with our sudden emergency assembly?"

Song Hongyang sighed: "There is a relationship, but the relationship is still big. The five mysterious military schools, the S zone military school count one, and they are good at computers. They have never won the elite cup of the five school league, but the other four military schools hate him. Teeth itch, do you know why? "

All three shook their heads at the same time.

Song Hongyang replied: "The five military schools have their own specialized management series, combat systems, and protection levels are all very high ..."

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