His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1622: Efforts to abduct a boyfriend home (12)

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"If your students are playing with sand in class, don't you need to write a review?" Ye Xingkong held his brother's arm and grinned, seeing that he didn't seem very happy, he hugged his arm and shook it. "Brother, Do n’t worry, your sister is okay. Lin Yanyan ca n’t bully me. I ’m good in class. If Lin Yanyan hits me, my classmates will help me. ”

"Don't play anymore, watch your head full of sand."

Ye Changqing said, raising her hand, and wanted to pat the sand on her head, but raised her eyes and glanced forward, and saw that a person walking on the road not far ahead was Lu Yubai, her sister's current instructor.

Not wanting his sister to be affected, he subconsciously wanted to pull his sister away.

Seeing that his sister's reaction was faster than him, he suddenly let go of his hand, away from himself, and then stared straight at Landing Yubai until Lu Yubai's back disappeared into his eyes.

Before thinking of it, my sister said that she had to work hard to abduct a man and go home to be his brother-in-law.

No no no, it shouldn't be. The younger sister said that the man she wanted to abduct was as gentle as moonlight. The younger sister didn't like cold and arrogant men. She liked Sven's connotative men.

Lu Yubai seemed like a walking air conditioner, but he couldn't get on with gentleness.

"Xingkong, you and your brother said, who is the person you are going to turn to?" Ye Changqing always felt that his younger sister was too young, and he was innocent and lively with his parents. Should he still not understand what a man and a woman are, he should just Make friends with each other.

Ye Xingkong blinked his eyes: "Brother, hello gossip, didn't I tell you all, didn't I tell you before I turned? I will tell you when I turn."

"Same class with you?" Although Ye Changqing was full of doubts, he still had to maintain the elder brother's stable temperament, smiled lightly, and showed no fluctuations.

"I won't tell you."

Looking at her sister smiling happily, Ye Changqing had an idea of ​​guessing, after all, the best of the freshmen this year are in the class of Xingkong.

"Brother no matter who you want to abduct, there is a saying that my elder brother must tell you that he must not abduct your instructor, that is, the person who has just passed by. He is a dangerous person," Ye Changqing said seriously.

"Why?" Ye Xingkong was puzzled. Lu Yubai was so perfect. Ninety percent of the girls in the school wanted to chase him. Why couldn't she like him.

"Don't ask your brother why, you must remember it." His sister had to find a super-wife's man as her husband, Lu Yubai, a man who has been held up by a woman since he was a child. At first glance, I know that it is not a pain for his wife. .

"Brother, you're the only one I'm more curious about, curious about me in case ..."

Ye Xingkong's eyes moved slyly, his face was a little bit distressed, and Ye Changqing interrupted him: "Do you not like gentle men? He is fierce, and he is not gentle towards girls at all. He came from Z special Men are fierce and ... do not like women. "

What? !! !! Ye Xingkong's eyes widened: "How is that possible?"

"Probably because their captain doesn't like women, you always remember."

Seeing the younger sister's expression from horror to the startled expression, Ye Changqing felt that he was right with this potent medicine, and he would never provoke him again when he wanted to come to his sister.

It really broke a loving father.

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