His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1623: Trying to abduct a boyfriend to go home (13)

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Ye Xingkong's mood was very complicated. His brother said that Lu Yubai didn't like women. Lu Yubai seemed to have been fighting in Z special war since he returned from abroad.

But why do people who fight out in z special dislike women?

Their captain is really one, and their members are not allowed to like women's perverts?

She held her review book and looked at Lu Yubai's office not far away.

The school dormitory and office are usually together, so Ye Xingkong is still a little nervous at this moment.

She paused for a while before knocking on the door: "Report to the instructor! I'll hand in the review."

"Come in." Lu Yubai's voice came from the room.

Ye Xingkong sorted out his clothes, then pushed the door and walked in with the review book.

Lu Yubai, sitting at the table, was tossing his computer. I don't know if something went wrong. He frowned slightly now, looking very distressed.

Ye Xingkong walked forward, Lu Yubai knocked at the table: "Sit down."

After sitting in the chair, Ye Xingkong put the review book forward with both hands: "Instructor, this is my review book."

"Let it go," Lu Yu didn't lift his head, just watching his computer.

Ye Xingkong placed it gently on his desk, then tilted his head slightly to glance at Lu Yubai's computer to see what trouble he encountered.

As a result, Lu Yubai raised his eyes ... The two eyes collided, Ye Xing jumped quickly and quickly sat down in a chair. She smiled uncomfortably, "Instructor, is your computer broken?"

Lu Yubai nodded faintly: "Well, suddenly it crashed, the file could not be read, but it could not be shut down. Why don't you help me see it?"

While talking, Lu Yubai kept looking at Ye Xingkong.

Ye Xingkong looked at his handsome face, stared deeply by his somber gaze, only feeling light under his feet, and nodded without thinking.

Lu Yubai immediately turned his computer and faced Ye Xingkong.

Later, he opened Ye Xingkong's review book, Ye Xingkong hesitated, adjusted Lu Yubai's computer, and moved it with his mouse.

"This isn't a crash, it's poisoning. Did you just browse something ... the website." She wanted to talk about love | sex, but didn't say it after thinking about it.

"No, you can check the browsing records." Lu Yubai said lightly, her eyes have been fixed on her review book.

Ye Xingkong didn't reveal any traces of Lu Yubai. Without checking the browsing history, she was 100% convinced that he was not interested in those websites.

She smiled and entered a few lines of code on the programmer, and suddenly ... she paused for a moment, this is not an ordinary virus.

This is a "flying bird" virus, which is mainly transmitted in the form of emails, program trojans, and webpage hanging horses. This virus uses various encryption algorithms to encrypt files. Infected people generally cannot decrypt them. It is possible to crack.

The nature of this virus is very bad and harmful. Once infected, it will cause immeasurable losses to users.

"Did you just receive an e-mail?" Ye Xingkong moved his fingers quickly and asked Lu Yubai for a moment.

Because this type of virus is highly targeted, mail is the main method of transmission.


Ye Xingkong quietly glanced at Lu Yubai again, as if there was nothing unexpected about her performance.

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