His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1624: Trying to abduct a boyfriend home (14)

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"This virus generally does not attack anyone, it only selects users in a targeted manner."

Ye Xingkong told him so, he wanted to let him know the seriousness of the matter.

Lu Yubai leaned lazily on the chair with one hand casually resting on the armrest next to her, holding her review in one hand, and with a slight upturned loneliness in the corner of her mouth, she smiled.

His eyes seemed to fall on the review book, but in fact, Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes could see all the expressions of Ye Xingkong.

Her face is relatively thin, but her jaw is not sharp, her cheeks are fleshy, she looks playful and cute, her eyes are big, she is as clear and bright as Chen Xing, when she smiles like a crescent moon, her nose is straight and straight, her lips are smaller, But slightly upward, giving a particularly intimate feeling, her fingers hitting the keyboard, as if the elf was dancing, falling in his heart.

As if startled by his own idea, Lu Yubai held his hand in the review book and froze.

He put down the review book and took a sip of water, wondering in his heart. Why did he suddenly and carefully observe Ye Xingkong?

It was because she suspected she was smiling ...

Ye Xingkong didn't know what Lu Yubai was thinking about, and she was totally devoted to solving the virus.

Ten minutes later, she breathed a sigh of relief, hitting the space bar with her finger, "Okay!" Fortunately, she came today, otherwise Lu Yubai's computer would be useless and all the files in it would be damaged.

She looked up at Lu Yubai: "Need me to fight back and help you find the poisoned person?"

Lu Yu nodded in vain.

Ye Xingkong's fingers began to dance again, typing on the keyboard while saying:

"You must not let this person go. This flying bird is an upgraded version. The earliest flying bird was developed by a hacker named ATA. It can only be transmitted by mail. But this flying bird can be transmitted by any means. Of course, there are stagnation and concealment, and it is already pervasive, so you must find the culprit. Your identity is different, not an ordinary person. If you are invaded by this virus, it will be very harmful to you. Fortunately, you met today ... "

Ye Xingkong said more and more excited. Suddenly she paused, her hands on the keyboard stopped, and then she continued.

What's wrong, Lu Yubai is a person who came out of Z special war. How could his computer be easily infected with viruses, and there should be many masters around him. Is he a bit overwhelmed?

"Fortunately, I have you today, thank you." Lu Yu took another sip of water, his eyes were a little mysterious.

Didn't say anything? Ye Xingzhong was more puzzled.

Is there something wrong with his computer just now, he just happened to run into it?

Ye Xingkong was distracted and found that the person spreading the virus actually ran away.

She can't let him run away, otherwise he won't be able to catch him. In the future, I don't know if he will continue to attack Lu Yubai's computer, wait for him to find out, and then add a firewall to Lu Yubai's computer.

OK ... Ye Xingkong's face showed a smile of Xi Sisi, hit the OK button, and the IP address of the other party was displayed immediately.

She turned to Lu Yubai to see: "It's the virus in your computer that this IP address ... you quickly find someone to check who it is?"

In Lu Yubai's eyes, a flash of surprise flashed quickly. Although not many people familiar with Lu Yubai knew that it was enough for Lu Yubai to be shocked on his behalf.

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