His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1629: Trying to abduct a boyfriend home (19)

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"That's different. The principal has spoken. Special talents have to be treated specially." Zhan Xuantian smiled at him with a mockery.

This smile Yang Wenke knew what it meant.

The one who defeated him was the little girl who walked the single-wood bridge and walked, but was so weak that the wind blew down.

Yang Wenke immediately calmed his face and yelled, "What are you doing? Novices, hurry up."

He took a step and walked towards Ye Xingkong. He didn't find Zhan Xuantian behind, and smiled.

Standing next to the balanced single-wood bridge, Yang Wenke looked carefully at Ye Xingkong, and his body was crooked and crooked. In this way, he could not walk the single-wood bridge for a hundred years. The single-wood bridge must be fast.

He kicked the wooden bridge: "What are you doing, hurry up and run."

Ye Xingkong was frightened, his body was shaking and almost fell off the single wood, his pace accelerated, and he ran across the single wood bridge.

Looking back at Yang Wenke, he looked very fierce, his skin was very dark, his face was tough, and his face was very fierce. Now he was staring at her. Ye Xingkong was frightened, and he didn't dare to go shopping training. Hurry up Up.

Seeing Ye Xingkong scare and run away like a rabbit, Yang Wenke smiled proudly.

Thinking of his TAT ​​young genius, he became a master of the Internet at a young age, and was later absorbed by the military, and then went through a lot of training before becoming a member of the Z special war.

During his 10-year military career, he could not protect the computer system and Internet sites that he could not penetrate.

As a result, it was given yesterday ... it was broken, thanks to which he boasted about Haikou.

Although somewhat unhappy, she admired her.

It's just so weak ... When Ye Xingkong looked back at him, Yang Wenke yelled, "What do you want to see, hurry up!"

Ye Xingkong felt that he was going to be crying by him fiercely. This fierce man must be the captain of the special war. Zhan Xuantian will surely tell her what he asked yesterday, so he only Will teach her.

How to do? That's terrible.

In the scorching sun, Ye Xingkong was running, taking obstacles one by one at her fastest speed.

Gradually she felt that her body was getting heavier and her feet were not like hers. She lifted up as if pressing two shots, her head was swollen, and she wanted to vomit.

She couldn't run. When she stopped and wanted to rest, she heard Yang Wenke's shout, "Hurry up, don't be lazy."

Ye Xingkong wiped his sweat, could not breathe, and could only move on to the next project, but without running twice, he fell straight into the sand behind him.

Lin Yanyan turned back subconsciously, saw the person hitting the sand pile, gave a stun, and then yelled, "Ah! The stink fox fainted !!!"

Yang Wenke and Zhan Xuantian are chatting.

"Are you an instructor or an instructor?"

"I'll teach you something. It was too loose just now. What can I do?"

"Little girls don't rely on physical strength, they rely on their brains. Don't fight with your brain to win others, just torture others' physical strength. You should be careful when you get retribution." Zhan Xuantian laughed, very cheating.

"I'm helping her ..."

Before Yang Wenke's voice fell, they heard Lin Yanyan's shouting behind them, and the two of them turned back sharply, and suddenly hesitated.

"Wow, take it off, it's just too weak," Yang Wenke said, and he didn't do anything.

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