His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1630: Trying to abduct a boyfriend home (20)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"You're dead." Zhan Xuantian said that he could foresee someone and that he would be repaired by the captain later.

The two walked quickly and walked over. Zhan Xuantian squatted next to Ye Xingkong and checked: "The sunstroke is over. Hurry up and don't surround yourself."

"Serious? Want to be sent to the hospital?" Yang Wenke asked worriedly.

"No, but you should take it to the infirmary ..." Zhan Xuantian said it was to the infirmary, but he didn't hold people up. Yang Wenke said anxiously, "What are you doing now?"

"I don't dare to hold her." He was not a fool. He noticed that the captain was different to this girl. Where did he dare to hold her?

Originally, Yang Wenke wanted to say that if you didn't hold me, I would take it to him.

But when he heard Zhan Xuantian say this, he didn't dare to move. When wondering why he said this, a cold voice sounded in his ear, "What's going on."

The people turned their heads and saw Lu Yubai stepping forward. A man in a military uniform was as long as a pine, handsome and unparalleled, born with magnificence, and everyone quickly stood up.

"She ..." Yang Wenke was about to say that Ye Xingkong had fainted, and saw Lu Yubai's face suddenly change, and his face was as snowy as it was cold.

With a long leg, he walked quickly, hugged the person without saying a word, and then went to the infirmary as quickly as possible.

Watching Ye Xingkong and Lu Yubai hugged him to the infirmary again, Lin Yanyan jumped angrily: "Smelly fox, stink fox, seduce my brother Lu to hold her to the infirmary again, so I am so angry!

When Yang Wenke heard this sentence, his body flickered sharply, and then he stared at Zhan Xuantian beside him severely, and this guy knew how to pit him, and then cleaned him up.


When Ye Xingkong woke up, she found that she had come to the infirmary again. It wasn't the female school doctor who waited for her to wake up, but Lu Yubai.

At this moment, her head was still a little bit awkward, and the whole person was still a little bit awkward. She felt like she was dreaming and looked at the jade face in front of her.


"Wake up?" Lu Yubai looked at her with a faint smile, and then asked her, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

With two eyes facing each other, Ye Xingkong felt that Lu Yubai's eyes were like deep whirlpools, and Lu Yubai's gentleness was like drowning seawater.

This may really be a dream ... She stared at Lu Yubai without blinking.

Lu Yubai also fixedly looked at her eyes, only that her eyes were very beautiful, like her name, no, even more beautiful than the starry sky, and now she looked at her ignorantly, with the girl's uniqueness The naivety makes people feel inexplicably cheerful.

Slowly, Ye Xingkong heard the sound of her heart beating. She determined that this was not a dream, and swallowed subconsciously: "We are in the infirmary?"

Lu Yubai nodded faintly: "You fainted again at the training ground."

Ye Xingkong suddenly understood, and she quickly sat up: "Yes, the captain of Special Z battle is here."

Lu Yubai looked at her blankly: "..."

Ye Xingkong later said in fear, drumming his cheeks and complaining to Lu Yubai: "He is so fierce, a grand captain, I just asked curiously if he likes men, he actually ran to school to fix me, and I almost got him It was scary to death, it was terrible. Maybe it was rumored that he liked men, but it was true that he was abnormal. "


PS: Lu Yubai: Lying down again.

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