His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1775: Shao Lu who fell into the vinegar tank (5)

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"Cheer up and pump you up." Lu Yubai smiled lowly, and saw Ye Xingkong lifted his face to look at her. He raised his hand and gently scratched her nose, and his eyes were full of petting smiles.

Ye Xingkong immediately softened his body, like a boneless snake, pressing all the weight of his body onto Lu Yubai's body, and smiled and coquettishly: "Oh ... how can you be so good."

People who could n’t go abroad just wanted to cheer her up and went this way. Ye Xingkong was really touched. I did n’t want to play anymore, so I went back to Lu Yubai.

Seeing that she was boneless, for fear of her falling, Lu Yubai tightened her waist, "Stand firmly, or you will fall."

Ye Xingkong hugged his waist again and said softly, "How can I stand firm with you ..."

Seeing Lu Yubai raising her eyebrows slightly, she took the opportunity to make a joke: "You are so handsome that your legs are soft."

"After going out, there will be an extra pendant on my body, eh ~" Lu Yubai said ambiguously, already holding her up, Ye Xingkong quickly took the room card out, opened the door and entered the room together.

She hooked her hands on Yu Bai's neck and asked with a smile: "Is there a feeling to hold the bride home?"

Lu Yubai replied decisively: "No." Holding the bride back home can be eaten directly. This time has not come, and you can't eat it for the time being.

Ye Xingkong deliberately pretended to have a very low mood: "I was just bragging about hello, how can you not brag?"

Lu Yubai kissed her forehead and said, "Where would you hug the bride?"

Ye Xingkong couldn't help laughing as soon as he showed a beautiful white tooth: "I like to hear this, for the sake of my favorite, I decided to take you to play tomorrow, where you want to play."

Lu Yubai replied: "I am taking the task out of tolerance to see you."

This meant that he couldn't walk around, Ye Xingkong was a little disappointed: "How many days are you here?"

"Arrive today, one day tomorrow, and the plane returning early the next morning."

so fast? Ye Xingkong was full of reluctance. She was adorable and cute. "Can't you stay for two more days?"

Lu Yubai said softly, "I want to stay with you for a few more days."

Ye Xingkong was particularly disappointed. He wanted to play a few more days.

However, she has very strong self-demobilization ability. It doesn't matter if she thinks about it. She can see Lu Yubai and play for another day. She is already very happy.

"It's still half a month. I'm going back anyway. Let's have a good time then."

Ye Xingkong and the teacher asked for leave, and he didn't accompany him to eat with his classmates at night. She decided to take Lu Yubai to eat delicious food.

Just when she chose several places and discussed with Lu Yubai where to go, she got a call from Chris.

Chris invited her to dinner at night and to a party.

Americans always have endless parties, and sometimes they are parties every day of the week.

Like before, if it's okay, take the teacher and classmates to play, but now Lu Yubai is here, of course Ye Xingkong will not make an appointment.

She immediately refused, and bluntly, her boyfriend came, and she wanted to accompany her boyfriend.

When he heard Ye Xingkong said that she had a boyfriend, Chris was surprised. She was curious about her boyfriend and warmly invited Ye Xingkong to bring her boyfriend with her.

Ye Xingkong still refused. She and Lu Yubai rarely met. Of course, they had to take a good look at the world, and who would mix with the skin monkeys.

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