His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1776: Shao Lu who fell into the vinegar tank (6)

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Chris seemed to have a lot of interest in her boyfriend and immediately yelled at her: "No, no, you made a boyfriend, and you have come to the United States, you must show everyone, otherwise you will not be friends."

Other friends next to me also yelled for Ye Xingkong to take her boyfriend over to let everyone know.

"But I'm afraid he won't go."

"Then ask your boyfriend."

So Ye Xingkong looked at Lu Yubai and asked, "Will you go?"

Lu Yubai immediately agreed: "Okay."

He also happened to know that Chris and see if he had any plans with Ye Xingkong. If not, that would be good. If so, he would just declare his sovereignty and tell that Chris not to hit Ye Xingkong again. Idea.

As soon as the two of them left the hotel, a lamborghini sports car opened up, and the window shook, revealing a handsome western face, and enthusiastically mocked them and waved: "Hi ~~."

It is Ye Xingkong's friend Chris, and another friend Eddie, who are both typical Western handsome men.

After Lu Yubai and Ye Xingkong got on the car, Eddie drove away, while sitting in the co-pilot Chris, then looked at Ye Xingkong and Lu Yubai and smiled at them.

His eyes were brilliant, and finally he stared at Lu Yubai, and said in English with a smile: "Hello, you are a boyfriend in the sky!"

Ye Xingkong quickly introduced them to each other: "Yes, this is my boyfriend Lu Yubai, this is Chris, and driving is Eddie, all my former classmates."

Lu Yubai looked at Chris. Although he was handsome, he was also exaggerated. He had a strong perfume smell, which didn't seem to be Ye Xingkong's favorite type.

He faintly greeted him, and the whole conversation was in English.

Chris listened to the accent pronounced by Landing Yubai English and asked with a smile: "Lu, are you studying in the UK?"

Lu Yubai faintly replied: "Study abroad is not counted. It was just a year of exchange at the Royal Military Academy with exchange student places."

Oh wow, Eddie shouted in shock. He is an Englishman and naturally knows how good this school is.

As an American, Chris smiled humorously: "In fact, I think our West Point Military Academy is the best."

Lu Yubai looked at him and said, "I also spent six months at West Point."

At this moment, Chris exclaimed, and later Lu Yubai said, "I also spent half a year at the Saint Cyr Military Academy, all of whom went to their school as exchange students to study."

These are all the world's top military schools, and how good this man must be before every school has been visited.

Chris first spoke to Ye Xingkong in English: "Old iron, you picked up treasure."

He looked at Lu Yubai with a smile and said in a rigid Chinese word: "She said that she has a boyfriend, we don't believe it. It's a surprise. She really has a man to do it. She is a little monster. It's the same as a man, it's really hard for you. "

Ye Xingkong drew a corner of his mouth: "Chris, don't you worry that I will break up with you?"

Chris immediately smiled and waved, "Okok, I won't say anything."

He looked at Lu Yubai again, like an old man who had read thousands of sails, and with a kind of see-through vision, he landed and sighed, "It's really hard for you."

Lu Yubai smiled slightly.

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