His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 781: Never if (11)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shang Mo hesitated for a moment.

... What is he doing? It was hardly known at all for his calmness.

Just because of Yuyu, how could I not suppress the anger in my heart.

He was like a nightmare and was awakened instantly.

However, he hadn't figured it out yet. In the next second, Shang Mo found that his hand was very thin.

How could Rong Mo be so thin? How could his arms be so thin, and he saw that he wore so much, she never thought that she would be thin except for the bones, as if there was nothing.

After all, it is a man. In the impression of Shang Mo, even if he is young, thin and pale, he should not be so weak.

Rong Mo was smashed by this, and her back was faintly aching, and she also took a moment, then slowly raised her head and looked at Shang Mo quietly. There was no emotion at the bottom of her eyes. Do not reach the fundus.

She said, "While you rest assured, I promised you that I would not break my word."

Shang Mo clutched the hand of her arm and tightened subconsciously: "..."

Rong Mo had a pain, frowned fiercely, and his face was paler.

Shang Mo realized that he was too heavy, and quickly let go of his hand. He wanted to say sorry but didn't export: "..."

Rong Mo stood by the wall, and smiled apologetically, "I am really bad today. I shouldn't have taken Yuyu to the studio without asking for your consent, sorry."

Hearing Rong Mo's apology, Shang Mo felt that he was no longer angry, and all the fire had disappeared. However, everything was resolved, but why did he feel that his heart was getting worse.

Watching Rong Mo slowly walk towards the door. When she pulled the door to leave, Shang Mo took a few steps forward and asked her, "Don't you want to offer me a condition?"

The bottom of Rong Mo's heart was cold.

It is rumored that Shang Mo's character is weird, brutal, terrible, ruthless, and not all false. It really uses so much sincerity, and it seems to him because of his interests.

In this case, let's talk about benefits.

She recovered as usual, turned to look at Shang Mo, and asked gently: "What conditions? You say!"

Shang Mo stared at her deeply for a few seconds, and then said coldly, "Don't provoke my cousin again! From now on, don't meet her alone and avoid her. She won't give you any reply as long as you do it." ,I can……"

He paused, and then said again, "Give you what you want and let you be in the entertainment world!"

"Okay." This is exactly what Rong Mo is thinking now. She didn't refuse and agreed without hesitation.

Shang Mo didn't expect that Rong Mo agreed so easily.

Rong Mo asked again, "Is there anything else? If nothing else, I'm tired and want to go back to rest."

There was a faint layer of frost on Shang Mo's face, "Nothing."

"Thank you." Rong Mo said these two words and immediately turned around and went out.

Looking at the door closing slowly, Shang Mo felt that it was not a taste.

But I couldn't tell where it was strange, moody and gloomy.

He couldn't understand himself, what happened?

I also don't like it very much, I can't control it! !!

This Rong Mo has been affecting his emotions, causing him to fall into the biggest confusion of his life.

If Rong Mo is a woman, maybe ...

However, it never happened! !! !!


PS: Good night, Mr. Da Nao Shang, who is unwilling to admit that he likes a man, haha ​​~~ Ask for a monthly ticket, for a recommendation ticket.

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