His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 782: Never if (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shang Mo sat at his desk and turned on the laptop computer above. He looked attentively, but he only knew it, and he couldn't see anything now.

He closed the computer with a slam, then picked up the pen and turned, a cold look covered with contemplation.

Until the knock on the door rang, Shang Mo retracted his thoughts and shouted in.

Zhu Yuyu carefully, taking a small step, was at the door of the station, and said to Shang Mo across the distance: "Cousin, I have packed my things."

"Da Shan is waiting for you downstairs." Shang Mo said slightly.

"Oh, then ... then I'm leaving." She said aggrievedly, paused, and added: "Cousin you ... want to help me look at Rong Mo, don't Let her be chased by fox spirits, and remind him if he is free, his agreement with me. "

"A man who can be taken away by someone, what are you going to do?" Shang Mo turned the pen in his hand expressionlessly, his voice indifferent without a trace of temperature.

"Of course I don't worry about Rong Mo. I worry about a group of scheming women. After all, my Rong Mo is very small. At the age of 18, Rong Mo is crooked. Analogy ..." Zhu Yuyu was so quick that she almost said Zhao Xinai Out.

Shang Mo's gaze seemed to be the sharpest sharp arrow, and she scared her to shut up quickly and said in a panic, "I'll go now, bye, cousin."

Then he flees in general.

When she closed the door, she patted her chest in fear, and she almost mentioned Zhao Xinai.

That's taboo for cousin! !!

Shang Mo stood by the window and saw Zhu Yuyu got into the car, and then he called his grandma by hand, saying that Zhu Yuyu had returned to Kyoto temporarily.

"Oh, Yuyu is back, then that Yuan Yuan's child ..."

It seemed to know what Grandma Shang wanted to say, and what idea was still in her heart, and Shang Mo interrupted her lightly: "Grandma, I have sent her away in the afternoon, and I declare once again that it is impossible for me and her. Don't worry about that again. "

"I do n’t worry, who cares? You say you are talented and beautiful, and you are also very decent in your work. How did you get such a reputation outside? You are almost thirty, and now you do n’t have any girlfriends. It ’s not easy for a woman to like you desperately, do you say I can worry about it and match you up? Is it possible that you are going to be single like this? ”Grandma Shang ’s hair was so white that her great-grandson thought. Her grandson was not anxious at all.

Shang Mo laughed: "But you have been worrying about it for several years. This is not suitable. It is not suitable. It is impossible to be together again. You didn't say that you would rather be short of **** than to be a woman and get married immediately."

"What do you mean, I want to say that I'm full and I'm okay, I'm just worrying about it here!" Grandma Shang was so angry that she was about to jump.

"Okay, grandma, I will put this on the agenda." Shang Mo reluctantly coaxed.

"That's what you said to me three years ago," Grandma Shang couldn't bear it anymore. She hardened her voice and said all her dissatisfaction.

"Child, can't you be a little bit prosperous for you !!! For a Zhao Xin love you can't get along with yourself, get married or get a girlfriend, don't you find you interesting? It's almost ten years, after the new year you will Twenty-nine !!!! "

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