His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 790: Never if (20)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Most are her fans, exaggerating her beauty.

There is also a small part under her Weibo that said that there was some resemblance between Rong Mo and her eyebrows. The photo of the two was very husband and wife.

At the beginning, Chihiro didn't care, was she like Rong Mo? She opened the photo and looked at it, and found that it looked a bit like it.

Suddenly, she felt weird.

Time is a lot like her mother, but it looks a bit like it.

Time's sister and Rong Mochang are almost exactly the same, and Rong Mo and her eyebrow are similar, that is to say, time's sister and her are also similar.

She doesn't look like mother, especially her eyebrows, she looks like her father.

The two sisters of time, a pair of sisters who are not related to each other, one looks like her mother and one looks like her dad. It all feels like a family.

Is it possible that the father or mother who has not lived in time is the child of their Su family?

Or is there any other reason?

Did you think too much yourself? When you went home to see Dad that day, you asked him, in addition to the three brothers and sisters, did Mom and Dad have other children.


When time came home, Lu Yanchen hadn't returned yet. She sat on the sofa while watching TV for a while, but she accidentally fell asleep. When she woke up again, she found herself lying on the bed, and fell into Lu Yanchen's arms.

She nodded into Lu Yanchen's arms, then reached out and hugged Lu Yanchen: "When did you come back, why didn't you wake me up?"

Lu Yanchen finally opened his eyes: "You are asleep, what do you wake up to? Then go to sleep."

There was a deep sleepiness in his voice, and then he closed his eyes again.

Time deliberately made troubles, using his fingers to open his eyelids: "But now I don't want to sleep anymore, can you chat with me for a while?"

"I can't sleep watching your novel and brushing your drama, don't bother me," Lu Yanchen said, and turned over.

"Don't do this ..." Shiguang put his hands on her waist, and hugged him from behind: "Your little Jiao wife is calling to you affectionately, how can you still sleep."

"Xiao Jiao's wife?" Lu Gongzi, who closed her eyes, mocked helplessly: "Yellow face woman is almost the same."

"What? Lu Yanchen, this is not a wedding yet, you dare to abandon me!"

Time was angry with a small face, and he made a fangs expression to the sleeping Lu Gongzi fiercely.

Then she put her hands and feet on Lu Yanchen, the whole person pressed on him, and said in his ear: "Lu Yanchen Lu Yanchen Lu Yanchen ..."

Lu Yanchen frowned slightly, shouting her a warning: "Small time."

"Hey." Time mischievous smiled generally: "Well, chat for a while."

"I want to sleep."

"Then if I said I wanted it, wouldn't you be sleepy."

"That's natural ..." Lu Yanchen turned over slightly, face to face with her, then hugged her in her arms, voluptuously jetted at her, and bit her ear: "Do you want?"

Time twitched: "I think you have such a big head, all for thinking about it."

Lu Yanchen couldn't help kissing her lips and holding her in her arms and tickling, and time giggled and couldn't help evading begging for mercy, but Lu Yanchen's long arms were tightly trapping her from letting her Move slightly.

The two finally stopped for a long time, and Lu Yanchen gently kissed her forehead and asked lazily, "Say, what do you want to talk about?"

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