His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 791: High sweet ahead, please be careful! (1)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time was lying flat, looking at the ceiling above, and thinking for a long time before he said, "I don't know what I'm going to talk about, but my heart is very uncomfortable?"

"See Rong Mo, right?" Lu Yanchen had already seen through her thoughts, and when she turned around, she pressed one of her long legs against her.

"Yes," time admitted frankly, afraid of Lu Yanchen's anger, and nodded his chest coquettishly, and then affirmed a tone: "She is really a woman, but she refuses to admit it, as if to get rid of it Make a genetic test of her hair. "

"It can be, but can you get her hair? What is collected from the items she uses is not necessarily hers. It is better to pull it directly from her head." Because only this can be accurate, and No accidents occurred.

"This is a bit difficult. He has short hair and often wears hats in the winter. Unless he is strong, but strong, it proves that she is my sister. Now that she may not know anything, She wouldn't believe me, she would just think I ... "was seducing her again.

The last few words, time dare not speak out.

She sighed softly: "Don't say this, in fact, I want to chat for a while, it has nothing to do with Rong Mo, I'm just boring."

Seeing Lu Yanchen's face was indifferent, as if she was trying to cover it, she smiled at him, and then said very seriously: "It's true, I didn't lie to you, I was a little dull, I couldn't tell it What kind of energy it is, there is always a bad feeling. "

"Want to do so much, uneasy, I'll help you smoothly." Lu Yanchen said, burning hands into her clothes and stuck to her chest, pressing her legs, and gently rubbing inadvertently. .

"How do you always do this, you?" Time patted his hand away. "Seriously."

"Don't worry, everything is mine." Lu Yanchen's hand moved to her waist and took her into her arms.

Time was lying on his arms, lazily half-crossing his eyes.

For a long time, the two did not speak, enjoying the warmth of hugging each other. Suddenly when I thought of Chihiro's wedding invitation, I mentioned it casually: "Today, Chihiro gave me a wedding invitation. It was her and Shize's engagement post. You Say we are going? "

"You want to go." Lu Yanchen watched Shi Jingjing quietly and asked, this is a counter-solicitation, if she wants to go with him, accompany him.

"I don't want to go. But ... Rong Mo should go." Shiguang said, worryingly, "I promised Rong Mo today, I won't go to her again."

"Maybe that day, we should go ..." I didn't know what I thought, Lu Yanchen said something meaningfully.

Time looked at her inscrutable look, and subconsciously guessed that the elder brother Lu Yan insisted on him.

She couldn't help but ask, "I want to ask you something here, do you know about Chihiro and Brother?"

"What's Chihiro and Brother?"

Seeing Landing Yanchen bewildered, he surprised time: "Don't you both know them?"

Lu Yanchen said: "The impression is that the two of them should not know each other. Chihiro has lived abroad since he was a child, so most people do n’t even know that she is the daughter of the Su family. The words of his elder brother have always been in the country, military academies and the military. In the army, he and Chihiro should have no intersection. "

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