His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 806: High sweet ahead, please be careful! (16)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

When Su Qianji came out, Time had brought her cooked porridge to the table, and had made two side dishes by the way.

After drinking the hot porridge, Chihiro finally had a little energy and no longer looked so decadent.

In a person's home, even if it is heated, it still feels cold, even if the soft sofa is lying on it.

Looking at the steaming table, even if it is just a bowl of white porridge, two small dishes, but still can feel, here is like a warm home.

Seeing time holding hands, holding his face, just watching her eat, Chihiro asked: "Aren't you going to eat something?"

Time smiled: "I have eaten lunch at home. I came here to make it for you."

Chihiro didn't believe it: "Really? How do I feel you have no purpose."

"What can I do for you? If you have to say a reason, Xiao Bai said he wanted to play with you."

This remark made Su Qianxu smiled slowly, and then he calmed down.

That child doesn't hate her very much? How could you ask her to play?

Time is also surprised: "I'm really weird. Last time you and Xiaobai were still arguing."

Chihiro was silent and didn't want to talk to Xiaobai. She changed the subject: "You and Lu Yanchen, when are you going to have a baby?"

"We're still early ..." Time smiled wryly: "Why do you suddenly ask me this?"

"Seeing that you like children so much, you are married again, and thought you would have a baby when you have it." Su Qianyi said with a sip of porridge.

"I like children very much, but I didn't expect to be born in these years."

"What if you have an accident, will you be born or not?"

Shiguang's mouth chuckled and suddenly froze. Looking at Chihiro, he frowned angrily: "I won't encounter this."

"That's hard to say." Chihiro raised an eyebrow, grinning a little bit, and a flower bloomed at the corner of his mouth: "Even if you do something, it will be safe."

"Okay, don't scare me. I still want to fight for two years, or say you, do you really plan to get engaged with Ishizawa?" Time really hopes that Chihiro does not get engaged with Ishizawa, not that she doesn't like Shi Zawa, the main thing is that Chihiro and Ishizawa have no feelings and should not be pulled together.

"The wedding invitations have all been sent, how could it not be ordered." Su Qianyi didn't care.

"But Ishizawa is not a good person. After all, she is getting married. Do you really have to treat it as a transaction?" Her eyes became strange when she looked at it.

"Why can't the transaction get married?"

"No love."

"What is love and what is it?" Chihiro asked with a smile.

Time flies: "I ... how should I answer you, love ..."

Su Qiandi interrupted her: "Even if you know what love is, don't tell me, because love is a burden to me, and love is a burden."

This means that Chihiro means that love is about the same as Jiwaki.

Time wonders: "Why do you think so? I find you are so negative about love, you shouldn't be like that."

"I'm not negative, I love people in this world who have love," Su Chihiro replied seriously: "It's just that I don't need it, because I will never fall in love with someone again."

"You seem to have loved many people."

"Not much, two."

"Who are all of them?" Time asked for gossip, and wondered if one of them was a big brother, but she thought that she would ask directly, and Chihiro would definitely not answer her.

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