His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 807: Sweet ahead, please be careful! (17)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qianji didn't reply to her, but just got up and went to the kitchen to fill a bowl of porridge.

Seeing that she was staring at her, she was extremely worried, but she was curious and did not dare to ask more questions, which made her roll her eyes: "How are you like these entertainers, so gossip."

"I'm just an ordinary netizen. I'm curious about the gossip of celebrities. It's normal," Shi Guang innocently spread his hands.

"There is nothing to say, it's all about the past." Su Qianyi didn't care.

"Really, just talk about it. You can rest assured that I will not be exposed to reporters. Of course, if you really do not want to say it, then forget it." Time does not want to force her, and does not want her to be unhappy after speaking.

Su Qianji asked her, "How old are you in your first love?"

Time was embarrassed to say, "It's a bit early, at 15 or 16 ... what about you?"

"I grew up abroad. He is the son of Shibo. All the Shibo family have emigrated abroad, so they take good care of me, especially he is really good to me, and I am very happy to be with him. Heart, he will do everything for me, no need to worry about me at all, I always thought that he would take care of me forever, until we get old, 18-year-old adult ceremony, we were engaged. At that time, everyone said we were Lang Cai is a girl, a pair everyone admires. "

After Chihiro said it, she realized that those past memories that she thought were unforgettable could not make any waves in her heart.

Shiguang said, "I heard that after your engagement, you broke up not long. Why?"

"Two people have been together for a long time, and they are familiar with each other. All the bad will be exposed. Slowly, there will be no initial freshness, and slowly there will be no sweetness. Maybe you will say that it is sublimation. For a loved one, if one day, when your life and his life are on the scale, and he can only choose one side, he will definitely choose his own life. "

Time didn't quite understand "... what do you mean?"

"He loves his life more than my life. This is actually a love of human beings, so I don't need to blame him. Nor should he blame him, because no one in this world can compare to his parents. I love them more than I love you, but even if I understand, my heart is still uncomfortable. After all, we grew up together and we still have deep feelings. "

That was the first time she liked a boy. She was pure and pure. They engaged in an engagement trip and thought that they would write a beautiful story, but in reality they drank a bucket of cold water containing ice.

All the extravagant hopes in her heart were shattered by him.

Everyone in the world says that love is relative to each other, and love is about life and death.

But in the end, he could choose to give up her for the sake of life, betray her, and betray her?

Time understands, but still doesn't understand, so I don't feel too deep.

"What about your second relationship?" This is what she is most concerned about. Is it with her brother?

Su Qianxian smiled, "I don't remember."


"Sometimes my head was injured, and I was lethargic for half a month. I woke up with memory disorders and didn't remember many things."

"Amnesia ?!"

"Yeah, it's amnesia."


Time didn't believe it. She knew at a glance that Chihiro was lying, but Chihiro would do so, apparently unwilling to tell her.

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