His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 808: Sweet ahead, please be careful! (18)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time didn't believe it, she knew at a glance that Chihiro was talking, but Chihiro would do so, apparently unwilling to tell her.

In this case, she will not follow up, after all, everyone has their own privacy that they do not want to divulge from outsiders.

Su Qianxuan looked at her: "Don't talk about me always, talk about you and Lu Yanchen."

"We don't have anything to say ..." Although that was the case, Shiji talked casually until Shiji's cell phone rang.

The phone number was from the provincial team. She said that something was wrong and asked her to return to the provincial team.

"Got to go?"

"Yeah, there is something temporary, but Xiaobai is still sleeping," Shiji originally wanted to wake Xiaobai and take him with him, but looking at Chihiro on the opposite side, Shiji's eyes slyly turned, Suddenly there was another idea.

"Please help me look at Xiaobai, I'll pick him up later." Said, time has stood up and hurried out.

what? Leaving Xiaobai, Chihiro hasn't had time to refuse, time has opened the door and it's almost as fast as gusts. I want to make people think that he didn't do it on purpose.

Is there any international joke that actually wants her to take care of Lu Yanzhi's son? Is time lost?

She exhaled for a long time and immediately found the phone to call Time.

The phone was quickly picked up by time, "Chihiro?"

"Come up immediately and take the children away." Chihiro simply refused to take care of Xiaobai.

There was a loud noise on the phone, and time had reached the side of the road, and she cleared her throat: "Just help me look at it, I will be back soon, thank you, my good Chihiro, my car is here , I won't tell you first. "

After talking, I hung up the phone.

Su Qiandi could not help but violently: "Fuck!"

She threw her phone on the sofa, then went to the kitchen to fill a bowl of porridge, and ate all the dishes.

At that time, the stinky girl had good cooking skills. She dared to ask her to help her with her children. In the evening, she must squeeze her labor and let her cook a sumptuous dinner.

After eating, Su Qianzhang put his bowls into the kitchen, and had no plans to wash them. They were all ready for time.

She was half-lying on the sofa watching the script, and after a while, Xiaobai rubbed her eyes and came out of the bedroom.

He stared at Su Qianyu stupidly, "Auntie, what about me?"

"You are going out to do business, you will come back later, you sit and wait for her for a while," Chihiro said, pointing to the sofa.

Xiaobai stepped next to her with short legs and sat down. The whole person was still awake.

Su Qianxu moved around uncomfortably. Xiaobai, who was not awake, was like a cute girl. He really wanted to hold him in his arms and rub it hard.

She got up and poured him a glass of warm water: "When you wake up, it's good to drink warm water."

"Thank you." Xiaobai took it and smiled at Chihiro: "Grandma said the same thing."

Although the expression on Su Qianyi's face remained unchanged, the corners of his mouth were raised little by little.

"Xiaobai is your Xiaobai, what's your name?"

"Lu Yubai." After Xiaobai said, he asked: "Does it sound good?"

"Sounds good," Su Qianyi said, reaching out to pick up the script to read, she was not good at chatting with children, but she was certainly not good at chatting with Lu Yanzhi's son.

"Daddy got up."

Chihiro froze with the script, and she was really not good at it, let alone chat with Lu Yanzhi's son.

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