His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 818: High sweet ahead, please be careful! (28)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

But Lu Yanchen moved faster and faster, and with an unstoppable attitude, she had no ability to parry.

Time was panting, and there was no way to say it, thinking that it was already anyway, it would be better to wait until the end.

After the storm, time narrowed her eyes, and she just wanted to fall asleep ... but she didn't remember what was happening.

"I don't want to let it be." Time bumped her with her arms weakly, and her eyes were charming afterwards. "Is there a pharmacy near the house, please buy me a pill."

"Speak tomorrow." Lu Yanchen glanced at her, his eyes darkened.

Time knew that he would not buy her, and he really changed his mind and wanted a child. Time is a bit angry, haven't both of them said clearly before?

"That line, I'll buy it tomorrow." Then, turning around, I didn't want to care about Lu Yanchen.

"Angry?" Lu Yanchen raised his eyebrows and hugged her in his arms from behind.

"No." Shiguang said indifferently.

"I'll buy it for you later." Lu Yanchen was helpless.

Time turned to look at her and leaned back in Lu Yanchen's arms.

Two tired and crooked for a while, Lu Yanchen changed his clothes and went out, and returned soon after, carrying a medical bag in his hand, "eat one."

After he finished speaking, he poured water into time.

Time took out the medicine and unscrewed it. It was found that the medicine had been opened. Looking at Lu Yanchen who returned after pouring the water, Shiguang asked: "How did this medicine work?"

"I want to take a look, and then unscrewed it." Lu Yanchen admitted freely and passed it to the time.

Time felt a bit wrong. She looked at Lu Yanchen's eyes, he smiled at her, and she followed, and then took the water and took the medicine.


The next day, Shen Ling double-handed the banana shreds he made and asked if time was good.

Time clipped a chopstick, gave a sip, and then gave a thumbs up: "It's delicious."

Shen Lingshuang coughed quietly and asked the time quietly: "Xiaobai said that yesterday, his father went and also left with Chihiro for a while. The boss didn't say he didn't know Chihiro. What the **** is going on?"

Shiguang's face showed a faint expression: "I don't know exactly what happened, but I feel that they should have been together before."

Shen Lingshuang asked thoughtfully: "Was she Xiaobai's mother?"

Why are there two or two sons talking about each other? !! !!

"I'm not sure," Shiguang said.

"Whether it's Xiaobai's mother or not, the boss should also be a family, but why is Chihiro, Chihiro is about to get engaged again, or with ..." She didn't know that time had already known about Shize, so Hide everything that follows.

"Chihiro's engagement was just cooperation, and they had no emotion at all. It would be nice if Chihiro could be with his elder brother." Shiji really felt that getting married couldn't be so casual.

"But I know the boss so well. He hasn't gone to Chihiro for so many years, and it will not be possible to meet him once he meets. He will return to the army in a few days. Chihiro will be engaged, both How can we be together without contact. "Shen Ling sighed.

Time also felt yes.

What did the elder brother say? Especially macho, he never takes the initiative if he decides not to take a shot, and Chihiro obviously does not want to ignore Brother.

Chop first and play later and call them together for dinner.

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