His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 819: Sweet ahead, please be careful! (29)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Putting it in perspective, when she and Lu Yanchen did not reconcile before, when someone made up with her and Lu Yanchen so much, she would definitely be angry, and even stay away from that person.

This is really not something she wants to help, she can help.

Suddenly, Shiguang eyes brightened and said to Shen Lingshuang, "I suddenly have a solution, don't know if I can?"

Shen Ling busy asked her, "What is it?"

Shiguang took the mobile phone, opened WeChat, and then started a group chat to invite friends.

She originally wanted to invite only Chihiro and eldest brother, and she decided to invite Lu Yanchen in too.

Shen Lingshuang said, "Invite me too."

Time hesitated: "Will it not be so good? If you are an elder, if you are in it, your elder brother will definitely say nothing."

Shen Lingshuang thinks about it too, "Xing Xing Xing, don't invite me for now."

Time is up, join the group chat.

After joining, no one made a sound, and time changed the group name to "Jiaofan Squad" and started chatting in the group.

[I was a silent time: Yesterday was my fault. I ask everyone to have a meal and apologize. 】

After waiting for a long time, no one ignored her.

Shen Lingshuang waited anxiously beside him and asked, "Is this effective?"

"Whether it works or not, at least it doesn't make them completely unconnected, right?"

"we can only do this."


When Chihiro was pulled into a group chat, he was on the phone.

The agent was asking her what to do with the scandal. She was smashed by two news last night. In addition to the news with Xiaobai, she and Lu Yanzhi stood on the channel and was also filmed.

[Today's headline: Chihiro romance exposure. 】

The content of the news is that the child Chihiro took to eat yesterday was not her illegitimate child, but the man's child, the man, whose identity is mysterious, is said to have a deep background!

The comments below are awful.

"Wow, it's amazing, it's really unpredictable."

"This is a scheming, otherwise how could it climb so high step by step."

"The back of the man looks so tall and looks handsome. Ah ... drooling, this boyfriend gives me a dozen!"

"The best way for women to struggle is to look beautiful!"


Chihiro said to the agent, "Is there any good response, can't I have a meal with my friends? Don't bother with them !!!"

After talking, I hung up the phone directly.

This is not the first time she has encountered such a scandal. There are even more ugly speculations, but she is very calm. How can she be so angry when it comes to Lu Yanzhi?

Su Qianxu supported her head and rubbed her temples.

She glanced at her phone, opened Weibo, and found that she was pulled into a group with only four people in the group list.

In addition to her and time, there are two strangers.

She ordered the two strangers to take a look.

One of them is called Shi, the head is time, and at this glance, Lu Yanchen is known.

What about the other one?

She opened it and looked at it. The name is obsessed and the head is a military off-road vehicle. Because she is not a friend, she can't see each other's circle of friends, but she guesses that this should be Lu Yanzhi.

Looking at the words from time, she was even more certain.

Obsession is Lu Yanzhi.

Chihiro almost wanted to quit the group chat subconsciously.

But then I thought, why should she retreat? !!


PS: Good night, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets ~ ~

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