His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 823: Doomed Engagement (3)

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Some thoughts and information were turning quickly in Shize's mind.

He leaned on the back of the chair and said casually: "I was just trying to make your dad feel assured before I said so solemnly. Now it seems that I have a bad intention."

Su Qiandi smiled reluctantly, "It's not a bad thing, but I don't like this intentional, I hope you can understand."

"I know."

"Then sit down, I'll see how my dad is fumbling."

"it is good."

Ishizawa smiled and looked at the back of Chihiro's departure. After disappearing, behind his eyes, he slowly moved his eyes to look outside the balcony.

In the distance, mountains and mountains are stacked, and the mountains are bright, but his face is getting darker and darker, and his eyes are becoming more and more indifferent.

No one is better suited to marry him than Su Qianyi.

But why did Su Qianji and Lu Yanzhi eat together because they were told to eat by time, just happened to meet? Or do they know each other before and have an ambiguous relationship?

Why is it Lu family again?

When thinking of the Lu family, Shi Ze felt inexplicably uneasy and inexplicable irritability, and even some couldn't control himself, and wanted to question the relationship between Su Qianyu and Lu Yanzhi.

However, when Su Qianzhen agreed to be with him, he said that he understood it very well, and only cooperated.

Even if there is any ambiguous relationship between Su Qianyu and Lu Yanzhi, as long as it does not affect the stock of his company, he cannot interfere, let alone question.

He had thought long ago that Su Qianyu had a man before, but never thought that he would be a Lu family member or Lu Yanzhi.

The two obviously didn't intersect! !!

He unhappy and irritable in his heart, and had to rely on Su's life in his life, all blamed on Lu Yanchen.

If Lu Yanchen concealed a little at that time, he would not lose his father, and he would not fall into such a situation that he had no choice.

Lu Yanchen, all because of Lu Yanchen! !! Pushing him into the water that year did not drown him! !! It was time to save him, it was time, if time did not save Lu Yanchen, Lu Yanchen would have died early!

Hate and resentment twisted Ishizawa's heart.

He told himself that the current reluctance is only for revenge on Lu Yanchen! !!

Sooner or later, he will make Lu Yanchen regret the decision of his life!


Chihiro knocked on the door, and the room was full of steam. Father Su sat on the chair, put his legs in the bucket in front, and covered his knees tightly with a blanket, only steam 袅袅.

"Why did you leave Ishizawa? When people come home, you should accompany them well."

"There will be more time with him in the future, and now I will stay with my dad," Chihiro sat down beside, "is this steaming effective?"

"Yes, after climbing the Baiyun Mountain after steaming, my legs won't tremble," said Father Su, lifting the reading glasses to the bridge of his nose, but there was soda.

Chihiro took it and wiped it for him: "Don't go climbing in the winter, just exercise in the park."

The father and daughter talked for a while, Su Qianyi suddenly remembered his previous doubts, that time was like her mother, and time was like her weird.

She asked casually: "Dad, did you and your mother give birth to our three siblings?"

"Yeah," Father Su looked at her strangely. "Why did you suddenly think of asking this, wouldn't it be that you were thinking about the time when the little girl was your sister? Do you really like him so much, how do I recognize her as a daughter? "

"Forget it, Chief Lu is a generation short of you."

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