His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 824: Doomed Engagement (4)

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Su Qianyi heard his father say that when the Su family had only their three siblings, the doubts in his heart became even more serious. Since they were not the Su family, how could there be such fate?

However, she had never seen Murphy.

Maybe Mo Feifei is similar to Rong Mo. It is similar in other places, but the eyes are not similar. Even if the eyes are similar, there is a difference. If there is a person, Mo Feifei is even more different from her.

I just hope that time can find Murphy's, but does it really have nothing to do with Yaya and Murphy's disappearance?

Chihiro walked to Su Ya's room and looked at no one around. She wanted to open the door and found that the door was locked.

She frowned suddenly.

This maid is going to clean. When the person is not in the room, the house door is unlocked. How can Suya go out and lock the bedroom door?

Su Qianyu left with doubts.

Ishizawa personally took her to the doorstep. As usual, Ishizawa would not ask to sit in. The relationship between the two was as salty as ever.

It seems that everything that happened in Su Zhai has never happened before.

Two days before the engagement banquet, Ishizawa Chihiro came out to eat and went directly to the studio to pick her up.

Chihiro was very busy that day, she said to Ishizawa, "I'm sorry, there is a lot of drama in the afternoon. I don't know when it will be finished. Otherwise, it will be another day."

Shi Ze insisted, saying with patience: "It's okay, I'll wait for you."

He said so, and Chihiro was not good at refusing to refuse, let alone waiting for a long time, and with people to take a moment to finish the work soon.

Chihiro thinks that today's Ishizawa is a little weird, but he doesn't notice anything wrong. The two are extremely harmonious.

The two drove out of the parking lot. When turning, Ishizawa did not slow down, and the other just turned from the right.

The other side braked sharply, but Ishizawa's car was too fast and did not brake in time. It really hit the car on the right. It was not very heavy, it might just hit the front of the car.

But Chihiro was startled, with a look of panic.

"Are you okay?" Ishizawa looked at Chihiro nervously, with a worried expression on his face, and even anxious his voice, "Is there anything hurt?"

After Chihiro covered her chest in fear, he shook his head: "I'm fine."

"That line, then I'll get out of the car and look at it." With that, Ishizawa unfastened his seat belt and pushed the door.

They hit a heavy-duty jeep, solemn ink, and looked very majestic. Such a car would not look like a simple person at first glance.

Chihiro also unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

The reflective glass used in the car could not clearly see the people in the car. Chihiro looked at the place where the car collided, and the head of the car was sunk a little, but the people inside should be nothing at all.

At this moment, the door of Jeep was pushed open, and a military boot landed.

Su Qianyi looked up subconsciously, and saw a tall, upright man coming down from the car, Ying Tingjun, killing him with iron blood, watching them standing outside the car, ticking the corners of his lips. Without losing the elegant temperament, flowing from the cold eyes.

Seeing him, Chihiro's body was inexplicable.

Shi Ze also hesitated for a moment, then shouted slowly: "Lu ... Brother Lu."

Lu Yanzhi looked indifferent, glanced at Shi Ze with an expressionless expression, and then glanced at Su Qianzheng behind Shi Ze, the corner of his mouth showed a mocking taste.

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