His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 826: Doomed Engagement (6)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanzhi stared at her indifferently: "Winter, why are you going to bed before you and him get married? Huh?"

Who asked this, Su Qianyan was so angry that he really wanted to kill.

Lu Yanzhi looked at Su Qianji's irritable face like this and suddenly laughed happily.

"What are you laughing at, what's so funny?"

"Before asking me what to laugh, answer my question first. Did you go to bed with him?"

Su Qianzhang stared at his words. He stood with light on his back, stood casually, and looked non-aggressive, but there was a hint of jokes in his voice.

This tone completely excited Chihiro, and she frowned and snorted coldly, "Of course I'm going to be engaged, and I can't go to bed !!"

Lu Yanzhi's eyes froze slightly, and he looked at her for two seconds. His eyes were deep. After a moment, he spoke again, and his tone was obviously a little bit deeper. Knife! "

Su Qianji raised his chin and cleared his throat: "Why should I tell you this kind of thing."

Lu Yanzhi made two steps forward, bent over, and her lips wiped her ears intentionally or unintentionally, and his warm breath sprayed on her cochlea like an electric current.

Su Qianyu heard his heartbeat, and suddenly accelerated, "噗通 噗通 噗通 通 ..."

When she returned to her mind, he heard him whisper in her ear: "liar, he has no scars on his legs at all."

The tone is super energetic.

Chihiro's uncle, "..."

Immediately after the God came, Lu Yanzhi deliberately teased her and teased her.

She reached out and pushed Lu Yanzhi away fiercely, staring up at him fiercely, trying to make herself look down on disharmony and unfriendly: "When we do, we ca n’t do without turning on the lights."

Then, she entered the house and wanted to close the door.

But blocked by Lu Yanzhi.

Chihiro glared at him: "What else do you want?"

"What do you think I want to do to you?" Lu Yanzhi's mouth was raised, ridiculous: "Why hit my car today, shouldn't this be what you want to tell me?"

As soon as Su Qianzhen thought of this, "I didn't hit it, Ishiza hit it. How do I know to ask him to go, don't ask me."

Lu Yan insisted with a sneer, and his eyes did not reach the bottom: "It wasn't you that hit you, but it was related to you. I advise you not to let him know your relationship with the Lu family, or you will be a **** in his hands in the future."

After speaking, he took a step back and was very slow.

Su Qianxuan looked at him, and said sarcastically, "Who has a relationship with your Lu family?"

He looked at her coldly, his eyes were like a glacier, his face was gloomy and he could freeze, and the corner of his lips became a thin line. He said nothing, but turned and walked towards his car.

Su Qianyu's eyes flashed with dull pain, and he shouted at the back of his words: "Neuropathy."

Then he threw the door hard.

She leaned against the door, only to feel that her body was heavy with lead.

Step by step to the living room, each step seemed as heavy as gold. She sat on the sofa, holding her face, her palms wet.

Su Qianzhang leaned on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, and thought of the travel engagement that was a turn of fate.

Qingmei Zhuma's boyfriend and fiance are the ones she believes most besides her father.

The first stop of their trip to Thailand was through a valley near Chiang Rai, Thailand, close to Myanmar. An accident happened on the bus, and a group of gunmen were welcomed.

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