His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 827: Doomed Engagement (7)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Her young fiancee flung her hands away for the sake of life, and ran away without looking back. She managed to hide in the hidden grass, but saw four men outside, tearing a young girl in a hurry. Clothes ... That's Li Anyuan. Li Anyuan encountered an accident in the same bus.

Through the grass, she saw the four foreign men as beasts. While insulting and invading Li Anyuan, they were talking disgusting words. The girl's white and innocent body was cruelly ruined and ruined by them.

Li Anyuan was struggling under them, screaming desperately for help.

She hid in the grass, she saw it, but how she could save, she couldn't even save herself.

Li Anyuan's beautiful face was distorted because of her struggle. She saw the bushes in despair. She didn't know if Li Anyuan saw her. She only saw Li Anyuan reaching out to her, and her mouth was crying for help ...

At that time, her heart suffered a lot. She couldn't save the girl who was violated, and she couldn't save it. She couldn't protect herself. As long as she went out, she would be treated more severely than Li Anyuan.

With Li Anyuan's hand reaching out, the four men found someone in the grass.

One of them came towards them with a gun.

She isn't the only one hiding in the grass. What she doesn't look like is that her fiance is hiding behind her. In order not to be found and to save his life, he sold her coldly and mercilessly. For his life.

She was found and dragged out of the grass by the man with a gun.

When she saw her, the eyes of the men were straightened, and she could almost foresee that she would end up being more miserable by Li Anyuan.

She shouted desperately in the direction of her fiance: "Save me, save me ..."

But he kept hiding himself, in fact, she should not blame him, after all, when others called her for help, she was afraid and did not dare to go out.

Everyone is selfish, and this world has been treasured like a legend.

She knew that she could only save herself. She wanted to run, but she was dragged by a man with a gun without taking two steps. The man threw it hard, and she fell to the ground, her forehead was broken, and a trace of bright red blood. Winding down the forehead.

This wasn't the most terrifying thing. The most terrible thing was that she raised her eyes and saw that the man had stood in front of her and took off her pants. She couldn't hold her inner fear and screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

When she thought she was about to endure the worst death in the world, a lazy voice sounded: "What's the name, it's noisy !!"

Speaking English, the four people heard the voice, and all of them stopped, and they wore clothes and pants honestly and regularly.

They called him: "Stubborn."

She trembled slightly, followed her voice, and saw a tall, straight body leaning against the car, beckoning at her, and then said lightly, "Come here."

The night had fallen and the sky was dim. She could not see his exact appearance, but could only see his handsome outline.

Compared to these four men, it seems that the man who used to be her is slightly safer, even if he is cold and cold, but there are really no horrors of these four people ...

She immediately walked towards him slowly, nervous, scared, and bowed her head, suppressing her trembling body.


PS: A little bit of memories of Chihiro and older brother. At that time, the older brother was on a mission. I mentioned in the previous article, who should you know who this young student is? Haha. Good night, ask for monthly tickets, recommend tickets ~~

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