His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 828: Doomed Engagement (8)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

She bowed her head, wondering how to get out of here and escape. The man named Zhi Shao stretched out his long fingers and gently pinched her chin, then raised her small face, and played He looked around.

At this time, she still looked down and did not dare to look at him.

But I could feel how hot his eyes were on her face. She was used to being boasted from childhood, and naturally knew how attractive her face was to a man.

His eyes slowly dropped, looking up and down, as if looking at an item, and finally fixed on her small breast.

That look was like X-rays.

She couldn't control her body and shuddered.

His eyes were getting hotter, and it seemed as if he had brought a fire, and he seemed to burn her.

The air was full of depression, and not far away there was the laughter of this man's accomplice, as if they were robbing property.

She didn't know when the man was about to see, she felt suffocated and couldn't help looking up at the man.

Unexpectedly, this man is very handsome, with complexion and face. At a glance, you can tell that it is Chinese, not a large nasal cavity, and a foreigner with prominent cheekbones. It is not the kind of black, eyes are buckled in, cheek bones are stuck out Thai and Burmese.

She should be pleased to see his compatriots, but there was a cruel and **** smell on him, and his eyes were somber and cold that made people feel cold.

Judging by her age, it seems that her age is so big, how could it feel so scary.

Seeing her finally staring at her, Zhi Shao's lips had a cold smile, and he suddenly reached out and hugged her with her arms in her arms.

She struggled subconsciously, but it didn't work. The more she struggled, the harder her arm struck her body and tangled.

He lowered his head to her ears and said lowly, "Don't move or I will kill you!"

She immediately froze and did not dare to move. He smiled with satisfaction, took her, looked at the four men and said, "This woman, I want it!"

The four men glanced at each other, and then said a few words in Burma that she didn't understand, and then said to Zhi Shao: "Shi Dao, there are rules in the village, and whoever gets a woman must enjoy it first. "

It means not to give.

Holding her head up, staring at them fiercely, the next second she let go of her, she hadn't responded yet, and saw that he had been happily lightning, rushed over a flying leg, kicked one of the men, and pointed it with a gun. Another man who was about to carry a gun asked coldly, "Do you have any opinions ?!"

"No, no! This one did not move to the young, and moved us, then we still return ..." He squinted at him with a look of danger, and he froze quickly. ... "

At this time, some of their associates shouted loudly in Burmese.

She didn't understand, but probably came from the Thai military to let everyone run away.

She also wanted to run and escape, but she was hit hard behind her neck, her eyes fainted, and she fainted.

When she woke up again, she found herself in a village, surrounded by dense forest, and there were many gunmen who sent out whistle. She had seen such scenes in such anti-drug TV shows, It is the poison cellar of some poisonous maggots.

A terrible fear rose quickly in her heart, and she bit her lip tightly before holding back without screaming

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