His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 834: Doomed Engagement (14)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time changed a black evening dress, put on a touch of evening makeup, and walked in front of Lu Yanchen: "Is this OK?"

"Just solo, you're not the protagonist."

"I'm not the protagonist, just wear it casually, then you are not the protagonist, why are you so handsome." A black suit and white shirt, although they are usually worn, stand against his handsomeness and handsomeness. people.

She murmured: "You will steal the groom ’s limelight. Ishizawa is full of resentment against you. If you press him at home today, he will hate you even more."

Lu Yanchen took her hand: "I know your beauty."

Time can't help laughing, this man is really speaking more and more sweet words.

When she got into the car, she couldn't help but looked in the direction of the house again: "Well, won't you go?"

"He doesn't seem to have an invitation."

"You know what I mean?" Shiguang couldn't help but push him: "Brother really gave up this way?"

"I don't know. I shouldn't have gone three days ago. Now, maybe ..." Lu Yanchen smiled silently, and the second he smiled was meaningful.

Time knows Lu Yanchen, but for him to laugh, I still can't understand what it means.

"Which is going? Or not?"

Lu Yanchen did not answer her question, but confessed to her: "Today's engagement banquet, something may happen, and some people will protect you secretly, but just in case, you have to follow me if I am not with you And do n’t leave alone. ”

His word by word, serious and solemn, frightened the time.

She paled for a moment, feeling a little uneasy, "Then, otherwise, let's not go."

Lu Yanchen raised an eyebrow: "That wouldn't work." He squeezed her small face, "Relax, there is me."

"But ... I suddenly didn't want to go."

"Don't you want to see Rong Mo, why don't you want to go?" Lu Yanchen said, already driving his car, not going does not mean that things will end.

Some things are going to happen, they will be there if not happening, and he would like to see how Ishizawa really wants to play.


Although the two Su Shi were just engaged, the scene was still grand.

The most famous high-end salon club in the city was packed, and all kinds of luxury cars were parked at the door.

In the luxurious and splendid hall, there are men and women in luxurious clothes.

Time pulls off Yanchen's hands and hands them up.

Security guards were released and they were invited in.

They got out of the car and immediately caught everyone's attention.

After all, Lu Yanchen and Shi Ze's grievances, too many people know, Lu Yanchen would actually come to Shi Ze's engagement banquet, how could this not cause a sensation.

Time whispered in Lu Yanchen's ear, "It seems that everyone is watching us with strange eyes."

In Lu Yanchen's light-hearted expression, Gao Leng was so arrogant that he dared not approach: "Have gone out with me several times, which is not so many people watching us. Are you not used to it?"

"It may take me a few more times to get used to it," Shi said with a grin on his lips, and looked at the hall without leaving a trace. "It is quite grand to think of Chihiro's engagement."

Lu Yanchen took her to sit down in a more remote place: "We will be more solemn than this when we get married."

Time frowned: "Actually, I really want a Chinese wedding."

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