His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 835: Doomed Engagement (15)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanchen looked at her and said, "Then tell my mother, we will have a Chinese wedding."

Time thought for a moment, and tangled, "But I want to wear a white wedding dress again, I want to be in church."

Lu Yanchen embraced her shoulders and hugged her arms. The cold voice had a spoiled taste: "Then finish Chinese style and then another Western style."

Time was surprised: "Really?"

Lu Yanchen infinitely pampered: "Of course, the castle or the sea can do it, if you want both, you can do two."

Time frightened him, startled: "There will be so many weddings there, I can't do it if you want, I can't."

Lu Yanchen tickled his lips. "You can do whatever you want."

Time smiled sweetly, oh my god, I was going to be spoiled.


As soon as Lu Yanchen and Shiguang came in, someone immediately reported their movements to Shize.

"Lu Yanchen, I knew he would come ..." Shi Ze sneered, and said, "I won't move for the time being, and keep monitoring him."


"and many more."

Shi Ze called back again, "Lu Yanchen is here, it is certainly impossible to make my engagement banquet too smooth, no matter what purpose he comes with, that matter will be arranged."

"It's already arranged."

Ishizawa smiled deeply and waved.

When the assistant went out to close the room door, he held the cup tightly and looked at the front coldly: "Dad, this is my engagement gift for me, and of course it is a gift for you !!"


In Lu Zhai's toy room, Xiaobai was holding his little obediently and was struggling with his puzzle.

The door was pushed open, he turned his head and glanced, "Daddy."

Lu Yan's enthusiasts walked in, swept around a toy room, and finally stopped on the colorful ocean ball.

He picked up one and threw it away, just in the center of the small white foramen.

Xiaobai closed her eyes, covered her head, and then looked at him with a muffled mouth. The ocean ball was soft, and it certainly didn't hurt to hit someone.

Lu Yan leaned lazily on the wall, with one hand in the seam of his pants, and one hand playing with the soft ocean ball, "Lu Yubai, your mother is going to marry, are you sure you don't want to congratulate?"

Is mother going to marry someone? Xiaobai was not calm for an instant.

He stood up stupidly from the ground and looked at Lu Yanzhi in amazement: "Dad, don't you say I don't have a mother?"

"You fucking."

Xiao Bai's body was soft, she sat on the ground again, her eyes closed, her limbs stretched out, "Mom is a mom, godmother is a godmother, and my aunt doesn't want to be my mother."

"In short, she is your mother, the only mother." Lu Yan stared straight at his son's eyes.

His son is a well-known high IQ. Little genius can't understand him.

Xiaobai froze: "You said that I didn't have a mother before, which aunt do you like, Dad?"

"Anyway, you are not a three-year-old. You have to decide your own affairs. If you want a mother, you should grab it yourself. If you don't want it, it will be counted. When this thing hasn't happened, but you should never ask your mother "After that, he turned and left.

The next second, Xiaobai hugged his thigh, "Daddy ..."

Lu Yanzhi looked down at him: "Why?"

Xiaobai hugged his thigh and didn't give up, his face was a little shy and red, and he looked at Lu Yanzhi, tangled for a while, then he was embarrassed, and whispered: "I ... I want my mother ..."

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