His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 842: Doomed Engagement (22)

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Su Qianyi was not surprised at all. There was no emotional change, and she smiled slightly: "This is what you told me to do, good, I know ... goodbye !!"

She turned to leave, but her wrist was dragged by Lu Yanzhi.

Su Qiandi struggled but couldn't shake it off. In the darkness, Lu Yanzhi's deep eyes were staring at her, cold anger appeared in the cold eyes, and people could feel the cold only by looking at it Thoroughly.

He wrapped her arms around her waist and clasped them tightly in his arms.

The hot temperature came, and the hot breath sprayed on her face, almost making her feel like a fire, deep in her body, could not help but provoke a shudder.

In his eyes, Su Qiandi felt a sense of being scrutinized. She took a deep breath, "You let me go!"

"I will not let it go!" Domineering tone, with a hint of childishness, pretending to be innocent.

But the feeling he gave her was as though a hungry wolf was staring at his deliciousness and uniqueness, not moving, just hesitating where to start.

Su Qianzhen blushed and had red ears, and his eyes were red.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

With red eyes, she looked at Lu Yanzhi with a trace of fragility: "You let go, I want to answer the phone."

Lu Yanzhi remained indifferent, holding her wrist motionless, she seemed to be crying, making his eyes dim.

"Don't you hear my phone ring?"

"I'm not deaf."

"Then you let go, I want to answer the phone, my dad called." Su Qianyan's eyes were foggy, and he seemed to be able to cry in the next second, and his eyes filled with tears also burst into anger: "No matter you What I want to do, my dad is my bottom line. "

Lu Yanzhi looked at her weeping, and when I saw the pity, a strong heart softened inexplicably, a complex emotion that could not overflow the words, let him subconsciously let go.

Su Qianji, who was free, quickly stepped back, and then connected to the phone.

Father Su called and said that the engagement was about to begin, and asked her where she was.

"I'm ventilating in the garden, and I'm going to ... return right away." After Su Qianyi said, she stood still for a moment with a stiff body, and then turned her head slowly. When she was surprised, Lu Yan was insane behind her, I don't know When was it gone.

She pursed her lips and a sourness came from her nose.

Gritted his teeth, he could not bear the tears in his eyes, and tried to tear them back.

You can't wear makeup because of tears. No matter what the engagement is, today is her engagement. She should be beautiful and happy.


With a pair of eyes in time, he had been looking around at Rong Mo. Lu Yanchen glanced at her for a few times and found nothing, his face sank.

Finally, time saw Rong Mo, and in a corner next to him, she was standing opposite Su Ya, chatting with Su Ya.

Why did you suddenly meet Su Ya? Seeing them look like they are quite happy, time faltered.

At this moment, the emcee came on stage, and everyone went forward.

Time calmed down from Rong Mo, looked back, and looked at Chihiro, who was next to Mr. Su, the emcee had already opened the speech, so the marriage was settled.

She sighed: "Chihiro, really want to get engaged?"

Lu Yanchen didn't return to her, and Shiguang said, "Although many of you in this circle are business marriages, I am still not suitable for this circle."

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